Sunday, December 25, 2005


I understand this was the name for some really big battle that took place during some war. And as with all battles in a war in meant one bunch of dudes with guns trying to kill off and another bunch of dudes with guns.

But as a rule I don’t recall them saying about a battle that it involved a bulge. So I reckon that for some weird reason in the middle of this humungous war one group of soldiers got really mean and nasty and started making fun of some enemy guys. And since it had to do with bulged I reckon that means they were a tad overweight.

Now to me is it totally uncool to make fun of anyone because of the way they look. Well especially for something like the fact that they have a weight problem.

However I would certainly consider it totally dumb and stupid to decide to insult somebody with a weight problem that was carrying a gun. You really got to wonder about what kind of maniac thinks that was a good idea.

The thing is as I understand what happened in this situation was that this one bunch of dudes were trying to bully this other bunch. And the first bunch of dudes were called “Nasties” or Nazis or something like that. In any case they weren’t what you would call nice people.

Plus I understand this all took place around Christmas. I ask you what the heck kind of sick person thinks that calling a person names that happens to have a problem like with their weight a good way to celebrate Christmas? Then to top it off you send them a bunch of bullets as presents. Am I the only one that sees how completely silly this idea was?

In the middle of all this though somewhere apparently fruit cake got mentioned. Or something like it. Because as I hear it them big bad meanies the Nasties or Nazis went to this one city Bast something and told this general dude they wanted him to come out a play only they already wanted him to let them win. I don’t know for sure how that works, but this General guy just told them “nuts.” So I’m thinking he had maybe bought a bunch of fruitcake for Christmas and got pissed off about them Nasties wanting to cheat at some game and so he wouldn’t share his fruitcake, just a few nuts. I wonder if they were still in the shell? Oh well, I guess they didn’t take the nuts.

Well from what I heard this whole thing didn’t do anything to improve things in the long run. And that just goes to show how making fun of people never does help.

Now maybe if we could figure out how to remember that all the time then perhaps all the people running around with guns and looking to insult people would find a different way to spend their time. Gee I bet some fruit cake might help. Worth a try I suppose.

All I got to do is find enough fruit cake to go around and share with those people who are lugging around this big guns. Hey maybe if they found out how much lighter it was to carry a fruit cake that might help even if it did have nuts in it.


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