Monday, December 19, 2005


Well I wish there was a different way to put this, but with some people having just a plain old bar of soap ain’t enough. It is like they got to be entertained in the bathtub in order to feel like using soap. And I call that being a plain dope.

Now I ask you what is the problem here? You get dirty and no matter who you are you sooner later are going to have to get around some water and need some soap if you want to stop smelling bad and want to be other than alone from stinking.

It all seems kind of just plain simple to figure out. So from that point of view then soap is soap. That to me means it all does the same thing. It might look different and smell different, but it serves the same purpose as far as I’m concerned. At least it should.

But the other day I had to go over to the mall and they opened up this new store and man let me tell you they sure take their soap serious. They had all kinds of shapes and colors and you would have thought that from all that stuff it meant there was some fun people could have with it other than getting clean.

So the big question that sort of came to mind when I was looking at all that stuff was whether it meant there was just way too many people that needed it in order to get motivated to take a bath. Is this really a big problem and I didn’t know about.

It sort of makes me wonder you know if people are having that much trouble with the idea of soap, which sure makes them a dope to me then what other sane stuff do they have problems with? And frankly I’m not sure I want to know on some stuff.

Why I bet that means there is probably way too many people out there having really scary problems like not knowing how often to change their underwear. God I don’t even want to think how awful it would be if too many folks can’t figure that one out. Why that could mean the absolute end of civilization as we know it if that kind of thing gets out of hand.

And once again it seems like nobody else is willing to be concerned over the importance of such things. So I suppose it will be up to me to save the planet from all the dope about soap.

But I guess this is far. I mean I am an grimefighting super hero. So I can see where it would be a good thing to have me taking care of ending soap dumbness. Yeah I gues better me than somebody who might mess it up.

Now I reckon it might take some time you know to work out all the details of the best way to help end this problem. Why can’t it be easier? There are a lot of problems you know I just solve by using my bat. But I don’t think this is one of them. So I suppose I’ll have to think of a different solution.

In the meantime I think just posting this kind of message is a good start. And along with some nice catchy slogan like “Don’t be a dope, always use soap!” Worth a try at least.


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