Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Oh man I want to tell you, before any of us knows it the best time of the year will be here. I’m speaking of Christmas in case you don’t know. Yep, we can all get excited about that I hope.

And that is the coolest time of the year too me because it has so much fun stuff you get to do. For me I got so many things to keep me busy I just hope I don’t get pooped while finishing them.

To help out with that I do have sort of system to be sure everything gets done. Now for starters of course the first thing I do is send my letter off to Santa. Yeah I know I’m a little too old to be doing that perhaps, but I figure it never hurts. Plus I keep thinking to myself you know with all the writing practice maybe I’ll write one that really impresses him. It never hurts.

The next thing on my agenda is sorting my jelly beans. That way I get in the proper mood for the holiday. I take all the green ones and red ones and separate them from the rest. And of course I just have to buy extra. To be sure I really don’t risk not being the Christmas spirit.

Then comes the fun part of figuring out what kind of presents to buy everyone. And what I concern myself in that regard is you know making sure it looks cool so that when it is sitting under the tree it makes someone merry. So the type of wrapping paper really matters. Frankly for those of us on a limited budget for shopping the wrapping paper is the most important part. That and being sure you shop early and give it to person so it sits under the tree as long as possible. It gives them a chance to feel some real merry while it is sitting under there for say a month or two and that helps take off the edge if it turns out to be sort of well you know, kind of “affordable.” That is the word my buddy uses for junk he gets at the 99 cent store, but doesn’t want to call it cheap or silly and pointless crap.

Only thing you do got to be careful about is not buying presents to early. I found that out once when I tried giving people Christmas presents in January. For some stupid reason I never gave any thought to the fact that without a tree to put the present under you sort of cut down on the chance for any merry sitting under the tree. So it is best to wait tell they get their tree up. Which is at least September depending on the person.

Plus I also found out that while food makes a decent and tasty present, if you give somebody something like cookies in January and they don’t open it for a long time, we those cookies just don’t taste or look like cookies. And let me tell you if they open some box and it is suppose to be oatmeal or chocolate chip cookies and instead is it nothing, but a stinking lump of mush they sure don’t say thank you.

Oh yeah before I forget on this merry sit under the tree stuff another cool thing to consider although Otis says you’re not suppose to think it that way is when you give somebody a present there is a good chance they will do the same for you. I mean I see no reason I don’t have a right to some merry sit under the tree as much as the next person. Hopefully it won’t be because I got desperate and put the thing there myself.


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