Tuesday, December 06, 2005


How come the people that ask this are normally not that loving? Well maybe it is different where you live, but the person that says this the most in my town is the Reverend Analbe. And let me tell you if his idea of love is what you get exposed to then it probably feels a lot like something other than love.

Personally I don’t mind talking about love. You know it is sort of cool thing at times. Well as long as you don’t get all mushy about it. That kind just makes me want to puke.

The thing is in the Reverend’s case he has some funny ideas to me on the subject of what is being loving. I just guess I don’t consider making people feel miserable to be a way of showing how loving you are.

But it sure works for the Reverend. Why if he gets into one of his really loving moods man you better watch out because you are likely to end up so depressed you’ll want to go and jump off a cliff.

I reckon with him it wouldn’t be so bad if he just acted that way on Sunday when you went to his church. However he ain’t content to just tell you how crummy and hopeless you are on Sunday. He runs around town the rest of the time making sure he tells people that whenever he gets a chance.

I don’t know, I just have trouble figuring out how it is loving to tell people they are going to that place that ain’t heaven if you do anything he doesn’t like. And let me tell you there really ain’t much he does seem to like.

Well that is for eating I guess. He’s a big fan of that. At least for himself. I just can figure out how come if I run into in the donut shop that his eating three dozen donuts is okay with God, but he says if I do it I’m being a glutton? That is kind of confusing to me.

Although it ain’t half as confusing too me as when he makes me feel so crummy about the donuts to the point I end up giving them to him. Then while I standing there with my tummy growling and he’s stuffing his face, he goes on to tell me how all he told me is proof of how much he loves people. I guess I would believe him more if he wasn’t spitting bits of donut at me at the time.

About the only thing I have truly figure out from all of that is if I want to eat my donuts and don’t mind not feeling the Reverend’s version of love then I need to be sure I go to the donut shop when he ain’t there. The funny thing is for me, I don’t even feel less love in the process.

Plus I end up with my tummy not growling and that makes me happy. Sometimes I guess feeling the love ain’t as loving if it means you end up miserable in the process. At least that is what I’m thinking when I’m munching on a box of donuts without having to give them to the Reverend.


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