Friday, December 02, 2005


So how come something is only a surprise if you close your eyes? At least it seems like that to me. Or maybe it is just that way at STINK.

About the only good thing with this no peeky is people only ask you to do it with something they think is good. Because well you know nobody would enjoy being surprised with something bad.

I like the principle of no peeky. I just wish I could be sure everyone else had the same idea about what is a good surprise.

You see we have this one person over there, Truly Grimy. Man when she tells you to close your eyes and no peeky, you can pretty much be sure she’s going to surprise you with something she cooked. Er I guess I wouldn’t call it cooked. Stirred perhaps, burnt definitely, but what you end up with something other than edible.

I only wish I could get Truly to understand her idea of no peeky just don’t work for me. And when she stuffs that spoon of yuck into somebody’s mouth it ain’t a sign of surprise to have them gagging.

But outside of her the rest of the folks at STINK are pretty cool for the no peeky thing. Well except for old rat boy Junior. If that dude says no peeky it means he wants you to close your eyes while he hides some hunk of cheese he doesn’t want to share.

And frankly after he puts his grubby paws on it there ain’t nobody I know of that would want to touch his stupid cheese. But try to tell him that.

Now I don’t like saying this but the one person you got to worry about when he says no peeky it is our ninety-four year old janitor Ramy Jarvis. I mean if he says it that means he is probably going to try and stuff something in your pocket. He gets kind of confuse about the difference between a trash can and people’s pockets.

I also hate to mention this, but there are times when I don’t like to close my eyes for the no peeky thing if my buddy Otis says it. Now if it is right on payday then you best not do it without hiding your wallet. Because it might be a cool guy and all, but on payday he has this little problem in terms of wanting to borrow without asking.

Other than that no peeky at STINK is okay. And I even like to get in on telling folks that. But sometimes I get it mixed up with the pull my finger thing. The one thing you don’t want to do is confuse those to unless you have them close their eyes first.

That’s just passed on as a word to the wise. And maybe the not so wise. Now if you know somebody who is into no peeky stuff perhaps this will save you from losing your wallet or getting whiff of something you would rather not smell.

Meanwhile, I’m working on my own version of no peaky at STINK. I just got to figure out the part about how long I can get the guys to keep their eyes close while I eat all the lunch on the lunch counter.

Thought for the week: "You can't take it with you, but spend it all before somebody get's it!"


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