Friday, November 25, 2005


This idea sort of leaves me kind of confused. I heard the idea in this movie where a guy was talking about this idea was worth fighting for. I forget what the idea was, but all I know is that at no time during the whole movie did he actually end up doing any of what I would call fighting.

Oh he gave lots of speeches and other kinds of stuff that I guess qualified to him as fighting. But did he raise his fist and say “put them up?” Nope, not once.

I guess in a way that was a good thing. Because from what I could figure the dudes he was fighting with all those speeches turned out to be really old. They looked mean and they did seem to snarl a lot and were definitely bad guys. But they sure didn’t look like they could have taken much of a punch.

You know that was the really strange thing to me. I mean I bet if he had just gone up to those dudes in the suits and belted them once they would have knocked off doing whatever it was that he said was worth fighting for.

I did forget to mention though that the guy giving all the speeches in this movie was a lawyer. And boy if fighting by talking is a good thing then judging by the applause he got after giving those speeches then he did okay.

What was kind of stupid though is that after he got done giving his speeches this other dude who was sitting in a black bathrobe behind this big counter and kept hammering for some reason told a group of people to go a deliberate. Well heck whatever that deliberate involved I bet didn’t include boxing.

But I reckon since they were voting for some reason that it must have meant they were politicians even if they didn’t look like politicians. All I know is that they sure came back from their deliberating and voting acting weird. Because they came up with a decision of not guilty.

Now with all the fighting supposedly going on that you didn’t get to see you would have figured they would know during a boxing match a decision is something that ends up split or with a TKO or a knock out. I never heard anybody in a boxing match being ruled a winner by being told they were not guilty.

However it seemed to work for those folks and everyone end up cheering and basically seemed to enjoy the whole deal. As for me, well I never did quite figuring out what it was they really felt was worth fighting for. Maybe sometime these people will think it is nice to sort of include that if they make another of these weird boxing movies. And who knows perhaps the next time the dude doing the boxing will wear gloves too.

Although I do recall him mentioning how he was planning on taking the gloves off. Guess that happen while he was in the bathroom or something. All I know is that I never saw them. Oh well, when you talk about fighting and there ain’t no real fighting I reckon you don’t worry about such things.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Experience may be the best teacher, but the homework can last a life time!"


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