Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Now I just got one question on this saying. And that is “which bank?” I think that is kid of an important thing to know.

But I never hear anybody answer that one. Which seems to me a kind of big thing to not tell anyone.

The way I figure it if taking whatever to a special bank is such a big deal how come they can’t bother to tell you, which one. Seems like it would be the decent thing to do.

So since nobody was going to volunteer the name of the stupid bank I figured it was a good idea if I went directly to the bank and check it out for myself. But I was prepared in case they didn’t want to tell me right off. You know should this be some type of secret that is so secret they don’t tell you willingly.

I wasn’t sure, which one to start with though. I had to take some time to give that some respectable thought.

When I got done I know I had done enough thinking because I had one big headache. And I know it was from all the thinking even if Otis claims when I try to use enough brain food to help that is the cause. I don’t think I’ll ever understand why he would think eating a whole seven layer chocolate cake with German Chocolate frosting, plus a gallon of Rocky Road ice cream, six brownies and two gallons of Root Beer would give me a headache. I just try to ignore him when he comes up with such silly ideas.

Anyway once I got done with my brain food and the nap I ended up needing to take afterwards I think I came to some real insight. Er an insight is one as I get it you have from sight while inside the house compare to outside, which is out of sight. But I just mention that in case you needed any help with understanding that part.

So the thing is what occurred to me was that I would mosey into a bank and pretend to be a customer. Hey what better way to find out what is best to take to a bank than pretend to be one of their customers?

Which is what I did. I walked into the nearest bank to where I lived and the first think I did was to do like I saw in this movie about some dudes who spent a lot of time in bank. I walked around and checked the place out.

And when this nice security guard came up to ask what I was doing I didn’t want to seem dumb about banks so I told him I was casing the place like the said they did in the movie. Well he sure didn’t seem to like that answer. He got so upset he told me to leave.

That told me that I reckoned this must be the bank they were talking about if the guard expected me to leave just for talking to him. That’s when I said that I would leave, but that I would be back before making a fast get away. Which was another thing I heard them say in that movie.

Boy did that sure get him excited. He started shaking and getting nervous and I was kind of worried he was going to get sick. And I didn’t want to get blamed for it so I figured I would just leave and come back later. But before I did I told him I’d be back to take care of him and the tellers too. You know just in case whatever he had was catching.

I never did get back to the bank though. I heard these sirens coming towards the bank and figured that the guard was sicker than I imagined. Sure didn’t want to risk getting whatever he had. So I guess taking it to the bank will just have to wait to find out more later.


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