Tuesday, November 08, 2005


One thing I’ve learned from asking this question is that if you have to ask it don’t expect and answer that will make sense. Oh you will probably get an answer, but as far as I’m concerned it will most likely be a bunch of double talk.

And I think figured out the reason is because whoever is flapping their beak while rambling without actually answering your question does so because they don’t want to answer it. Yep and that is because the real answer is one they don’t want to admit to.

It’s like when I go into the lunchroom at STINK and go to get a drink of pop and there is none left. So I stupidly ask how come?

Man the things I get told are so silly. I mean the dude that is trying to give me some stupid explanation about the pop truck getting hijacked shouldn’t do so with two empty cans in front of him! Plus he shouldn’t burp either. That really don’t help.

Let me tell you what really bugs me is that you would figure by now those guys would have wised up and not tried to pull that crap. I got the perfect response when I’m told baloney to my how come question. It is my trusty wooden buddy. And all them guys over at STINK know it too.

Still that doesn’t keep them from being a knucklehead at times and trying that junk as a response to a how come question. At least you know after I’ve used my wooden powers of persuasion they don’t try it for a while. Oh they might ramble a bit when they first wake up, but generally they don’t try it again till the bump on their noggin goes away.

It is too bad I can’t use that same solution when I have to deal with people like at the cable company. I mean asking them how come is like asking some politicians opinion on how come taxes went up. You can just be sure they aren’t going to give you an answer that makes a whole lot of sense.

Now maybe you have had better luck with your cable company if you use one, but not where I live. And from what I can tell they sure must have spent a lot of time practicing answering those how come questions without really answering them.

I say that because when I went to their office the other day to ask a question in person the lady I talked to behaved like this tour guide I had once at this museum. You know they type that is used to giving some speech while smiling, but doesn’t really pay attention to what she is saying sort like she is a robot. Yeah sort of like that.

And that is how the guy at the cable company was when I tried to find out how come they cool movie they said was going to be on the other night never was actually on. Man did he ramble about junk like computer programming, costs and technical difficulties, but not once did she ever actually say a word that explained why the movie wasn’t on.

In the end I just sort of, well, expressed my opinion in a way that made sure they understood I didn’t appreciate her how come answer. And I guess breaking that remote over his head was that big of a deal since I don’t need it now since they have cancelled my cable.

My biggest regret I suppose is that Otis pointed out that I was looking on the wrong day when I was checking the movies. Looks like this is another one of those times when I’m going to have to let Otis come up with another alias or good excuse so we can get cable again. Although I don’t think they’ll buy I have split personalities again.


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