Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Okay so I know this is suppose to be fine and candy. Now for those know-it-alls out there that say I always mix up or confuse sayings I just wanted to prove that I do get them right at times. Maybe not always if you listen to what my buddy says, but enough to know I can figure junk out pretty darn good at times.

True, I might not see it the way you do or perhaps the way just about anyone who thinks they are sane might, but I do see it just the same. I guess I had to say that on account of sometimes over at work I tell them about what I’m blogging about and those guys make some less than kind remarks.

Well at least I can think good enough to have a blog! Some of those guys would have trouble even figuring out how to turn on a computer, let alone start up some blog. This may seem like a piece of cake to some of you, but thinking up stuff, even weird junk is still a lot of work.

However I just can’t give it up since I know for those folks out there that do want to read it I’m going to keep putting it out for their benefit. And while I’m at it I want to thank those two guys who I know do enjoy reading it. That is when they aren’t busy hunting purple unicorns or tangerine sewer hippos.

Which is why in this case I wanted to talk about how find and dandy is really so much better when it involves something that is fine and candy too. I know being the devout jelly bean lover that I am you are going to assume I’m talking about sugar.

Believe it or not in this situation I’m not talking about that kind. I’m speaking of the kind of sugar that makes you feel happy.

See I know the times when my buddy Otis talks about things being fine and dandy. But a lot of the times he’s sort of saying you are kind of stuck accepting some situation, which you cope with so to keep from being pissed off you just say that’s dandy as in okay.

Only in reality it is one of the things where you just shrug your shoulders because you can do anything about it. And that really is okay I suppose, but honestly it sure isn’t something I look on as a source of smiles.

Which I think is sort of important. So while my buddy likes to get all philosophical and I think it is his way of just pretending it is okay with excuses I prefer to find something good about the whole thing.

That’s not always easy. But I do try. And the thing is a lot of times when I try hard enough you know what? I do find that candy. I tell you that really makes find a whole lot more dandy when it does happen.

Oh well that’s how I find the joy in terms of all those fine moments that really aren’t fine. And I know regardless of who else agrees when my two buddies come back from hunting those unicorns on the planet Snavely-thistle they’ll like it too.


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