Friday, October 28, 2005


You know I love it when Dr. Hemoglobin gets so darn philosophical and declares some site as “grime” free. It just sounds so unbelievably impressive.

I only wish when he did this that it turned out to actually be that way. But a lot of times it seems like somebody forgot to tell the griminals that some place was grime free.

And to me that is kind of important if you are going to assume they aren’t around to mess the place up. Because let me tell you there is nothing more embarrassing for us as grimefighters than to look like complete idiots about grime by thinking we already cleaned up some place and it still is filthy.

Heck we sure don’t need any help in terms of looking like morons. Sometimes we manage that without any effort. And to think we never even had any special training in that regard either. It just sort of comes naturally, which I suppose is a good thing in some way. Not sure quite what, but I reckon good somehow.

Now what Otis does to try and solve the problem in terms of this grime free business is to use a camera. He takes a picture of the place, but tries to do it in a way that doesn’t show the grime spots.

Plus when he can’t do that he knows somebody who can take pictures and make them look perfect. Otis has used the guy when he needed pictures of himself for that dating service and wanted them to make him look a lot thinner than he really is.

But in any case, my buddy is real good at times with the camera thing. When he shows the picture to Dr. Hemoglobin it seems to make him happy enough that he doesn’t even check out the place in person.

Well at least not right away. That normally gives us a chance to honestly try and fix some messed up place before he does show up.

I suppose in a way that is kind of silly. But my buddy figures that clean is like the one thing in life that Dr. Hemoglobin really gets excited about. So he hates to do anything that would ruin his chance to smile.

Which I can hardly blame my buddy for thinking that is a good idea. After all when Dr. Hemoglobin is in a good mood thinks at STINK just seem to work so much easier and better.

Let me tell you folks for us grimefigthers having our boss in a good mood can make the difference between us getting a garbage truck or diaper service van to use that had all its wheels and a full tank of gas. Believe me when you are out on some assignment or picking up trash having the vehicle run out of gas is not a way to enjoy the day.

So if that means we got to show our boss a place that can be said that hear there is no evil as in grime it works for us. At least a whole lot better than having truck with gas gauges on empty!

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "If you aren't happy and want to show it, slap what you can."


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