Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Do you like chili? With or without beans? Personally I enjoy it and with beans. Well I say I enjoy it, but I’m not sure other people appreciate it after the beans do a job on my insides and I end up passing gas!

Hey, what is that old saying about no pain, no gain? So the way I figure how will you know what I gained from eating chili if you don’t end up knowing the pain from the gas? Shoot give me a break here, making up this stuff every day I got to use what they call a literary license. That’s where you get to say dumb and stupid stuff for the sake of putting in writing, but don’t have to necessarily explain it right or have it always make sense.

Well shoot folks just give me a break here, inspiration is you know for the most par perspiration. And we all know that is sweat and it stinks. As far as I’m concerned I can write stuff that stinks as good as anyone!

Anyway I think I pretty much took care of the chili part of this title. As for the silly part, well heck if I didn’t explain it in a way that somebody ended up thinking was silly then that ain’t my fault because I sure tried.

Now you might be asking about what some dude named Willie has to do with this. Ah, far question and darn you for bothering to even noticing that I included his name.

But since you did notice I guess I got to talk about him. Basically I’m speaking of Willie Bendover the assistant to Mayor Rash Limburger. Every once and a while I end up spending time with him. See he gets involved in garbage at times and since I am a garbage man it does figure we would have something to talk about at times.

The thing is that Willie is a big fan of chili. So we always end up having some together when I do see him.

Now I have to say one big difference between us eating chili is that I have milk with mine and he has beer. Plus he gets kind of creative at times and decides to put weird junk in his bowl of chili like, well, not to gross you out, but I’ve seen him toss in leaves. He keeps them in this little plastic bag and calls them “mary” something.

Personally I would rather just stick with stuff like ketchup and cheese in my chili. Okay I have tried stuff like cheese crackers, even crushed up Oreos, but never some stupid leaves.

As for Willie, well I think he should avoid them too. Or perhaps give up drinking beer. Because when he eats his chili with both let me tell you he sure gets silly.

I’m talking about downright weird. Like talking to bowl as if it was a person and claiming there are green hippos flying around the room.

But that is Willie’s choice I guess. And hopefully with or without those leaves he’ll not see them hippos other times. Plus he also mentioned going a little wacky and trying to smoke bugs. He talked about smoking some roach the other day. Guess for a guy who likes leaves in his chili that might not be silly. However I don’t recommend it.


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