Tuesday, October 11, 2005


There was this really cool western on television that other day that has for a fist full as part of the title. I did enjoy the movie, but sort of forgot the whole title, but I got the general idea though that there are times a fist full of something can be a good thing and others not so good.

Well I only wish when things didn’t go so good I could take care of the bad people the way that dude in the movie did. But shoot I have enough trouble getting my buddy Otis to let me hang onto my bat and sling shot. I doubt he’d give me the same freedom with a gun and bullets.

I did have a squirt gun once, which wasn’t all bad. I might still have it if it hadn’t been for a small mistake I made. I figured I would use it to try and sort of teach people a lesson. Not the kind of lesson I would prefer to make with my bat, but the kind they don’t forget.

So I figured filling it up with something that stained really good would work. Because having some really disgusting stain on your clothes sure is something most people don’t seem to forget, especially on wash day.

The only problem is that I thought I would try grape jelly. I still think it was a good idea, but unfortunately for me the squirt gun didn’t work with jelly.

It is like they say, live and squirm. Er it is live and something, can’t really remember for sure, but it somehow involves squirming. Oh yeah it is life and germ. Um no, it sort can make you sick, but I don’t think it is germ either. Ah that’s right, it is live and learn.

Yeah, I know it had something to do with squirming like I said. And brother did I have to do a lot of squirming when I was in school and in was in between rest room breaks. As for the germ part, well sometimes trying to learn all those facts did kind of make my head hurt, so that was the part I remember too.

Gee ain’t if funny at times how you can get started out talking about one thing and end up thinking of something else. Boy that sure happens to me a lot.

But I don’t know I kind of enjoy that part. Which to me ends up being a fist full of cool memories or thoughts.

See I bet you figured I wouldn’t even get back to the fist full part huh? But I wouldn’t do that to you on purpose. I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it by accident thought. I mean you got to at least give me points for that much.

I sure hope so because man every once and a while I end up running into a dude who happen to come across my blog and thought it somehow had something to do with frosting. And then he ends up reading a bit and sort of gets disappointed. That’s when he meets me and sort of wants to give me a fist full of knuckles. Which is when I have to let my bat do my talking for me. I’m just glad that don’t happen all the time though. But then as long as I don’t forget my bat I reckon those types of fist fulls will be something I’ll only have to watch for rather than eat!


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