Thursday, October 06, 2005


I enjoy these moments when you get to groan for a good reason. Like when we have joke time over at STINK and somebody tells a really stupid joke. That is a fun form of groan.

Most of us grimefighters go have pretty much the same sense of humor and find the same things funny. So when we get together and feel like being silly there is always lots of laughs and plenty of fun groans.

My personal favorite time is when my buddy Otis gets in this mood to do his impression of Dr. Hemoglobin or Junior or even some griminal. Man can he sure do them well and in a way that gets us all full of smiles.

We have to be careful of course. Because we have to make sure that neither Dr. Hemoglobin or Junior find out what we are going.

But that is the coolest thing about Otis. If by accident Junior or Dr. Hemoglobin end up barging into the locker room when my buddy is doing an imitation he quickly starts acting like he’s teaching us about something.

Sometimes I do get worried you know that they will suspect our snickers mean something else. At least up till now though he has managed to get away with it. And I sure hope it never changes because let me tell you I really need those breaks in the fun groan at times.

Anyway, like I said we all manage to have those silly moments and make them pretty cool. And we even succeed on doing it despite the times we get on each other’s nerves. For a while at least we are all pals and brothers of clean and that is a good thing.

Honestly though about the only situation that messes it up is when Junior comes in and decides he wants to hang with us. It doesn’t happen that often thank god, but every once and a while he goes a little whacky and likes to pretend like he is really interested in what we are doing.

Now if there is one thing Junior really sucks at it is knowing what is funny. Man if there is one thing he ought to avoid no matter what it is trying to be funny.

I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t think that the only subject that is really cool is cheese. Oh when it comes to STINK and grimefighting he sort of knows fighting grime is important, but since he never actually does any fighting of grime he can’t exactly join in and tell any good funny stories about griminals.

So when he comes rambling in and sits down, we all end up groaning only it ain’t the fun groan that’s for sure. It is down right boring. We normally just sit there and smile and then keep checking out watches and hoping he’ll leave.

Thank goodness Junior gets too hungry for cheese when he’s talking about it to hang around with us very long. So eventually he just makes up some lame excuse to leave, which is never soon enough for us. Oh well, at least we all have those fun groans moments and it at least makes up for the bad groan ones.


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