Tuesday, October 04, 2005


How come all the cool ideas that sound good don’t always end up being good when you try them? Maybe it is different for you, but it sure ain’t that way where I work at STINK.

I don’t think though it is what they plan. I mean Dr. Hemoglobin my boss always seems to get so darn excited about some new idea he wants us to try. And the way he talks about it I honestly figure that I can expect things that sound good to end up being good.

I just wish it always worked out that way. However too often things just don’t quite work out as planned.

My buddy, Otis, says that is the difference between theory and reality. When something we want to do screws up he starts rambling about “The best laid plans of mice and men.” and then some other junk that I never take time to listen to.

Anyway, I’m not sure on that part how mice figure into it. That’s because to the best of my knowledge neither of us has ever spent any time hanging around with any mice. So I’m not clear on how he ever knows what kind of plans they have. Apparently though since it involves some kind of men too then I reckon there are some dudes somewhere that hang with mice and sit around making up plans of some kind.

About the only person I guess I know that might do that would be old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin. Given his love of cheese I wouldn’t put it pass him to get all hung up spending time with some mice and planning how he was going to score some cheese.

Now maybe there is something “best” in all of that, but I have no idea what. Still if it works for them I suppose that is the important part huh?

As for me, well I’ve sort of figured out that at least at STINK if something sounds good it don’t mean it will end up smelling good when we try it. In fact sometimes it just plain ends up stinking and let me tell you even though our name STINK don’t have anything to do with smelling bad, when we have some of these plans it sure ain’t my idea that is turns out having the sweet smell of success.

Still, I know no matter how many time something at STINK sounds good and turns out isn’t won’t in anyway keep Dr. Hemoglobin from coming up with some winner of a lame idea later. And then we will go through the whole speech thing one more time. (I’ll try not to yawn while he explains it though.)

With my buddy, I don’t know him sometimes. He’ll sit in the same meeting with me and nod and act like whatever sounds good is going to end up good. Then later when it doesn’t, he ramble on forever and never say one thing that makes a whole lot of sense.

And that is called life where I live. I keep hoping it will somehow end up both being good and sounding good. Otis says it will happen someday. Probably about the same time as Junior and those mice manage to corner the cheese market!


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