Friday, September 30, 2005


Is this a stupid question or what? If you want to know what’s up all you got to do is look up, right? So what is the problem with the person asking this stupid question then? Are they too lazy to look up or what?

Course there are things that go up that you don’t find in the sky. Like a person’s weight. That can go up and let’s face it that is the one thing you would rather not have someone know about!

Prices also go up and that isn’t cool either. And frankly there are plenty of times I would rather not know that part either. Besides you don’t need to ask since you will find out quick enough when you get to some check out counter.

What I want to know though is how come we are mainly concerned with up and not down? We never ask, “what’s down?” I guess because with things like prices it isn’t that important since it doesn’t mean you have to spend extra on something huh?

Anyway there is this guy over at STINK that will always ask “what’s up?” And he will do this whenever we see him sort of if he’s saying hello, which isn’t the same thing.

In his case it does get a little annoying though. I mean because he will even ask that of us right after we all have gone to some meeting and he heard just like we did what was up as in new. Still he asks anyway like he was too lazy to pay attention and expected us to do if for him. Jeez is that boring!

Well in either case the one thing I’ve observed is that up isn’t always a bad thing, but it isn’t always a good thing either. It sort of depends on what you are talking about and that is okay too.

And regardless of how boring the question can be or how many times the answer is nothing new is up, I know it is still going to be asked by some people. I suppose in those situations the thing that would be nice is to tell the person that what is really new is your desire that they stop asking what is up?

That is when the thing that is up is my sense of frustration. Which isn’t necessarily a good thing either. But try explaining that to some people who still are going to ask that question anyway. Ain’t that the pitts?

Oh well as Otis keeps telling me life goes on. I’m not always sure why, but it does. And the good thing is that every once and a while it goes up for a good reason. I try to let those times be when I have a reason to feel good about being asked that question.

Plus I got to admit that there are times when I get awful tempted to make up crap when asked that question too. I guess I just feel an obligation to make the person who keeps asking feel jealous that I’m having a good time, even if I really am not doing that cool.

Life sure can be crazy at times in that regard. And up ain’t always a direction as much as a mood!

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Cheaters never prosper. However if they lie good enough they might fake it to the point you won't know the difference."


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