Monday, September 26, 2005


I have this pal over at STINK who is always talking about how this time next year this will be different. And he always means better.

Which is a great idea I suppose and would be even better if it worked that way. Only he never gets around to explain how things are going to be better this time next year. Just that they will be.

I guess I don’t mind him saying that. I just wish it actually worked out that way considering at times he really does have some cool ideas about what is better.

I do admit that it is great to imagine life getting better and that somehow it will mysteriously improve without you honestly doing anything. And maybe one of these days it will work out that way. It just hasn’t happened so far.

What bugs me is this other guy at STINK. He never says how this time next year this will be better. Instead what he does is sort of quietly mention some project he’s working on and actually has plans to how he is going to complete that project.

And you know what is really disgusting. Normally he actually accomplishes that project. Which I could hate him for if he tried bragging about it, but he just never makes a big deal about it.

Still I got to admit that I enjoy hanging with the other guy a lot more. His idea of this time next year is so much more exciting to think of. And we get to sit around and imagine just how perfect things will be. True it never works out that way, but it is sure fun to dream about.

As for the other guy, well it might get more done, but to be honest he never seems that happy about it. So I’m not sure that is better. At least my pal enjoys himself.

I guess what I’m going to try to do is figure a way to try and be a little like both. I mean like thinking up real fun stuff to happen next time this year, but junk you actually can do. That way I can at least smile when I accomplish it.

Well perhaps this time next year things will be different in that regard. That will be so great.

All I have to do is figure out how I’m going to improve them. That is the part I’ll have to work on. Only it can wait till later. Right now I just want to celebrate that they are going to be better.

After all to me if you don’t get to enjoy the whole thing with a few jelly beans and some laughter then it is hardly worth changing. And I think that is what helps to separate us from all the animals. We know how to mess up better and also how fix things too. Hopefully we accomplish both with a smile!


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