Tuesday, September 20, 2005


As I understand it this has to do with stuff you are suppose to use just for health reasons. And man I guess my neighbor has got to be about the sickest person on the planet. I’m speaking in terms of how he is feeling, not his brain.

I say that because he always having to drink lots of booze. I heard that some people use that for making them feel better. Well in his case I guess he keeps trying, but I’m not sure it is really helping him quite that much. But I will give him credit for hanging in there with it.

Although there are times when apparently he needs even extra help. So he has this guy who for some reason always wears a raincoat show up in the middle of the night to bring him a brown paper bag full of pills. Why some week that guy has to come two and three times.

Knowing my neighbor has been so sick I’ve tried to do what I can to be understanding about when he gets really cranky or acts a little funny. Such as those times after he’s drank a whole bunch of beer and ends up needing to take a nap on his lawn wearing only his underwear. Man I didn’t realize that drinking like that would tire you out so much, but in his case I guess it does.

Let it not be said that Philo Milo Buttercream is not the kind of guy who doesn’t care about his neighbor. Now I won’t go as overboard to do like the Reverend Analbe says in terms of loving my neighbor. With him that means you love them by having them give you lots of stuff. Not sure I understand how that is love, but he sure insists that you got to do it at least in terms of giving junk like money and a whole lot of it to him.

Anyway when it comes to my neighbor I did get so concerned about him being so sick and all. So I decided to do him a good deed and try to get him some help.

And seeing how he seemed so sick all the time I figured it was an emergency. So I called 911. Then for some reason after I explained my neighbor’s problem they ended up having me call this number where I talked to this nice police detective who worked in what they called the “narcotics” department.

Well let me tell you he sure seemed really interested in my neighbor’s problem. And he said he would take care of it.

Boy let me tell you he sure did. Why the other night when that dude came by with those pills all of a sudden a whole bunch of police cars showed up. Man now I call that being concerned. Then after they gave that dude a hug and a nice set of bracelets to wear they went up to my neighbor’s and were do darn excited about helping him that they broke down his door and then rushed inside.

I guess they figured he needed more help that they could give him right there because they took him with them when the left. I haven’t seen him since then. I was told by one of our other neighbors that he is going to be a guest of the state for a while.

It sure is nice to know I helped him out. Maybe one of these days when he comes home I can let him say thank you.


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