Saturday, September 10, 2005


I’m not claiming to be any expert on buffalo. In fact I’ve only seen them in some pictures. But I sort of get the impression they are a little like some cow in need of a hair cut.

And I have seen a few cows. They have some farms outside of town where I’ve visited from time to time for no other reason than to let the smell encourage me to stay in the city. Which is sort of part of what I was thinking about with this posting.

Basically how I’m a lot happier being a sophisticated urban happening kind of dude rather than living out there in nature where those buffalo are roaming and no doubt doing their share of groaning. Now why would I assume that a buffalo would groan? Well what else cool have they got to do all day? They get so waddle around looking for grass or whatever to eat. Other than that I can’t say they have a whole lot exciting to brag about.

In fact from what I understand they don’t even get to do a whole lot of roaming these days. Which I suppose is because most of the places they use to hang out have been turned into some place useful like a shopping mall or subdivision.

Now I don’t want to give any animal grief or necessarily ruin their fun, but frankly I think fair is fair. A buffalo ain’t exactly going to miss a few acres of land anyway. What could you expect them to do with it that would be all that worthwhile?

Too bad they aren’t say something cooler in the animal kingdom, such as being the kind that is able to do some type of tricks. At least then they could make a few bucks keeping people entertained.

But as it is all they do apparently is hang around all day in the open just thinking about whatever would give them a reason to groan. And I suppose if that is their idea of a good time fine. It just doesn’t work for me.

What sort of bothers me is there are times when I realize that my life at times is about as exciting as those darn buffalo. And that is when I decide to do something about it. I mean there ain’t anyway I’m going to just sit on my behind like some buffalo and just groan without figuring a way to improve things.

That is because I got a brain. Some might complain I don’t use it right. But I do use it. However, I have known a few people who are a little scary. They are sort of like those buffalo. They don’t really do much and never change. Still they do love groaning.

I wonder if you could make them hang with some buffalo that they might take a chance and change? Well I guess I could suggest that. (Along with the idea that they take more baths to stop smelling like some mangy buffalo.)

In any case I hope you find a way to enjoy life a little and if you get as bad off as those buffalo with their groaning you wake up and smell the manure and change. Cheers!


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