Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I heard this as part of song in this movie about this really cool lady who could fly with the help of her umbrella and do a whole lot of other magical junk. And in this song she was talking about how a spoonful of sugar helped you to tolerate some medicine.

Well I’m not sure that I personally want to have to take any medicine that you need the help of a spoonful of sugar just to swallow it. Sort of sounds like if you were out of luck and didn’t have any sugar it would make you puke. They call that a good medicine? I don’t think so.

As far as the spoonful of sugar though I’m all in favor of using it for lots of stuff other than medicine. It really works good on stuff like cereal. I mean some cereal they dudes make has got some sugar on it already. But I don’t know it just doesn’t seem to be enough for me. Only I got to admit I normally don’t stop at just one spoonful.

I start out thinking it will be enough. However when I sprinkle it on there and can’t see any white stuff I start worrying if I don’t see it then maybe I won’t be able to taste it. So I add another spoonful and then another and another till it looks like somebody snowed on it.

Anyway the thing is I gave this whole spoonful of sugar thing some thought and figured that perhaps there are a whole lot of things you might be able to improve with the right spoon of something. Like what you might ask?

Oh I don’t know how about say the news. Yeah whenever I tune in it seems like all the want to do is tell you bad junk. And that can be so darn depressing. So they sure could use a spoonful of something to sweeten it up a little. Perhaps some good news would help. Or even if they don’t have any to at least make some up.

Which Otis claims they already make stuff up. If that is the case they need a new writer because the one that is making it up now really sucks in terms of being all that creative.

I wouldn’t mind helping out if they have trouble figuring out what to say. It can’t be that hard. Shoot as far as I’m concerned there just are plenty of things out there that could be sweetened up with the right effort. That’s where you need some cool writing dude like me to work on it.

Now I don’t want to spoil it for you, but I’ll just give you a little taste. So here goes: “News flash, The World Will End at Five pm today!” That is just the headline. As for the story itself it would have to do with er, sundown being as usual. Which I would sort of show how when you get a chance you can really enjoy something regular if you think it ain’t going to happen ever again. Okay, maybe it needs work. But that was just off the top of my head. However I can sure sweeten it up with a little thought. Which I’m willing to do.

I just wish the real news folks would try more at sweetening up their news. At least it might taste better sometimes!


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