Sunday, August 28, 2005


Now this giving thing can sure be confusing to me at times. Take with somebody like the Reverend Analbe.

There is hardly a Sunday that goes by that he doesn’t bring up the subject of giving during his sermons. And he always mentions how God loves a hilarious giver.

The only thing I’ve notice with the Reverend though is how he expects us to do the giving part and he does the hilarious part. I not sure that is quite how it was suppose to work, but he sure gets a nice big grin on his face when he takes those collection plates with him after the service.

Anyway, Otis and I just do what we can to chip in when we can. And I guess I’m glad Otis told me not to put any jelly beans in the plate. I was worried about having to do that at one time, but he said not to bother.

And I guess that is the part of this giving thing that I also get concerned about. I don’t mind if I have to do the giving thing if it is something I don’t want. But I’m a whole lot less thrilled when I got to do it with stuff I really want or need.

The thing is over at STINK there are times when Dr. Hemoglobin gets on this kick about giving. And when he doesn’t his son old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin sometimes gets on the subject too.

Only with them they want us to do the sharing while they do all the grinning. That ain’t cool to me.

But I don’t think we will have to be worrying about it for a while. Not after Otis pulled a sneaky. That was after Dr. Hemoglobin made this big lecture about how important we all chip in to help with this one cause. To be honest there have been so many I can’t even remember this one. All I recall is that he said it was important.

Well Otis asked Dr. Hemoglobin if it was okay if we collect things from around STINK to try and sell to give the money for this cause. And he agreed as long as we didn’t like sell the diaper service vans or garbage trucks.

So what he did was to sneak into Junior’s office and take all his cases of cheese. We took them over to this one store where Otis was able because he knows the manager to swap them for some cash as well as some Spam and jelly beans.

Then Otis took the money and gave it to Dr. Hemoglobin. And he thanked us and sent the money off to that needy cause.

Right after that old rat boy came rushing out of his office saying somebody stole all his cheese. And that is when Otis explained how Dr. Hemoglobin had told us it was okay to take whatever for this charity.

I tell you what after that neither of them has bother to talk about giving that much or sharing at all. As for Otis and I we are doing all the grinning as we snack on the spam and jelly beans we got in the swap. And that man is one kind of sharing I can really enjoy!


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