Saturday, August 27, 2005


Reunions can be so cool. And especially if you like the person that you are suppose to meet and used to know at a friend.

However they can be a real bummer if you the person is a jerk. Then you may not want to go to the reunion. It can real tough deciding too if the reunion is with a whole bunch of dudes and some you like and some you don’t.

My buddy Otis and I had to go to this reunion the other day. It was at the Grimefighter’s Academy. Now Otis and didn’t attend there the same time, but since I am a grimefigther too he didn’t think it was a big deal if I went with him and since we are buds and all it sorted sounded like a good idea.

The thing is most of the grimefighters that Otis went to the academy with are no longer grimefighters. They have gone on to do other junk. Some did make decent grimefighters for a while and some weren’t so good, but out of his class Otis is really the only one to hang with it.

Personally I admire Otis for hanging in their with STINK and all. He is really a great bud and if he hadn’t ended up staying there then I might have ended up with somebody like the Old Diaper Weasel as a partner. I won’t born you with much detail about him, but to say he might be an okay grimefighter, but most of us wouldn’t care to hang with him. I mean we are talking about a dude whose idea of collecting junk is to store dirty diaper odors. Is that twisted or what? Yeah I thought so too.

Anyway lucky for me I manage to get hooked up with Otis and so when he mentioned going to the reunion I thought it sounded like a good idea. So I tagged along. But I got to be honest I’m not all that sure I had the best time when we did go.

For starters I don’t know who was in charge of the refreshments, but chilled sauerkraut juice ain’t my idea of something tasty. As for snacks, jeez, did those suck. They only had those weird crunchy things without much taste that are real colorful, but not that great to eat. You know stuff like cauliflower and broccoli and other weird junk. Heck they didn’t even have any decent dip to help kill the taste. Was that insane or what?

I did ask the one guy about it and he claimed they were concentrating on eating nutritious foods that were good for you. Oh I agree they won’t hurt you since I couldn’t eat the darn things!

As for those other dudes who graduated with Otis. I guess I sort of felt sorry for most of them. They had given up the exciting calling of being a grimefighter for stuff like being stocker brokers and other jobs where they made a crummy six figure income. Heck I got a ten figure income since jelly beans has ten letters in it.

So I was sad that after leaving STINK they had given up driving junk like mopeds and instead had to settled for something called a “BEAMER.” I guess that is some kind of thing you drive, but need a flashlight beam to be able to see at night.

After we left, I told Otis how glad I was that we hadn’t given up the life of super hero grimefighters for those kind of unsuccessful jobs with such low pay and lousy transportation. I’m sure the fact that Otis looked so sad after talking to those guys was because he pitied them too. He didn’t say so, but at least we know as long as we got each other as buds life will always give us a reason to feel successful and rich!


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