Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Okay, okay I know the moment I put the word candy in the title of this posting most people are going to presume I’m going to mention my favorite food of all time, which is “you know what.” And if you don’t know then you just need to read some of my other postings because belief it or not I’m not going to use those two luscious and incredibly words together in this posting.

Why? Well I guess in part I’m trying to be different. Not sure if that will turn out to be a good thing, but I’m going to give it a shot.

The thing is in terms of this posting when I mention “candy” I not speaking of the kind you eat. I’m speaking of the kind that is more of a feeling when something good happens to you. Sometimes that can itself be a type of sweetness that can last even longer than the other kind (and it don’t give you the risk of a tummy ache if you eat too much.)

As I see it there is just something extra cool and tasty to the heart about feeling fine. It just makes the whole world seem like a better place.

The hard problem is feeling that way more than once and a while. I don’t know why it is that people seem more inclined to make you feel lousy than fine, but it sure appears that way at times.

I kind of think thought that perhaps we could do a little more on our part to improve that problem. Sort of like passing out candy. You give it out and most people are going to smile. So that means to me if we did it to make people feel better it would work the same way.

Because the one thing there doesn’t seem to be is a shortage of people in the world in a crummy mood. I can’t say it will be easy. With some people even though trying to eat lemons would taste sour and make them look unhappy they aren’t going to stop.

Not sure those folks would enjoy the kind of candy that makes you feel fine no matter what. Only I do think it should keep the rest of us from trying.

And I’ve decided to see what I can do to help. I may have to give that some thought. You know to be sure I figure out what will make the most people feel fine.

But I can’t imagine it will be impossible. It is just a question of thinking about it long enough. Er let me think here and give it a shot.

Hmmm. I kind of am leaning towards the idea that giving stuff away might help. Everybody seems to enjoy being given presents. Yeah that might be a real cool place to start.

The only question then is what kind of present. Well shoot that is easy to figure out. Everybody loves taking a bath and feeling clean right? So all I have to do is come up with some place you can get all clean for free. I wonder if you can borrow the use of a fire hydrant? I guess I’ll have to find out.


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