Monday, September 05, 2005


Yep that is slowly becoming my favorite motto. I really am getting tired of the folks I have to deal with that only want to gripe all the time. Nothing ever makes them happy. And I say if you don’t like something then “beat it” as in leave.

However it never seems to work out that way. There are too many who want to complain and hang around anyway. They really appear to get their jollies out of being miserable and doing what they can to make sure you feel that way too.

Now don’t get me wrong. I love griping at times. Just not all the time. And normally my buddy Otis is real good at pointing out when I’m being too grumpy.

I suppose the one time I get bugged the most about this whole thing is when I am busy being a grimefighting super hero. Here Otis and I am out there trying to save the world from grime and in the process some jerk will get pissed off by what we do.

Hey when we are after a suspected griminal we don’t always have time to stop and make sure about stuff like traffic laws or whether we drive just on the street. Sometimes we get in a hurry and the sidewalk is the only place not crowded.

Try explaining that to some dude when he has to leap out of the way when you are driving on the sidewalk and headed hi way. Heck we always honk. So it ain’t like we don’t give them any warning.

There are the times too when we get in a real hurry to catch the bad guy and make a mistake and grab the wrong person. You would thing people could be a little more understanding about us being human. But NOOOOO! Man can they get bent out of shape if you whack them a dozen times with a bat then run over them with a garbage truck before tossing their unconscious body into the trash container.

We always try to apologize and explain it was an honest mistake. But some people just don’t seem willing to listen.

Course that the other form of beat it I have to exercise when they won’t listen to reason. I just keep whacking them with my bat till they calm down. Or at least remain unconscious long enough for Otis and I to leave without them being able to see where we went.

But as they say, life goes on and I guess no matter how much we try to stop grime in the world and be the super hero good guys you just can’t please everyone. I still plan on working at it though.

Not sure if I can achieve it without the beating part with my bat and just telling them to leave, but I think I’ll try. It might be tough I suppose, yet as I’ve heard it said, “no pain, no gain.” I only wish that I could get more people to understand how I apply that phrase when I’m standing over them with my bat!


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