Sunday, September 11, 2005


Can you imagine the horror of being imprisoned in some pickle? And the thing is when I hear this saying no buddy ever mentions if you are talking about a sweet or dill pickle. That seems kind of important too me.

Plus I can’t recall any pickle that so big you could end up some how being stuck inside it and not simple eat your way out. Sure seems odd to me. It is sort of like the person is there because he or she is too stupid to realize that you just eat your way out.

So I’ve decide that first of all for this to be a saying it means there are sure some giant pickles on the planet somewhere and that for some reason the people that grow them end up getting stuck inside. I don’t think I want to visit a place where people are that dumb. It might rub off or something and who needs that kind of stupidity.

Well what I did after thinking about this for a while was to discuss it with my buddy, Otis. You know there are a lot of times when he seems to get some interesting ideas of stuff that doesn’t otherwise make sense to me.

Now according to Otis when they talk about being in a pickle they are talking about a person being in some kind of mess. Boy I’ll say. If you are stuck in some pickle then you really are in a mess. So I can appreciate that.

The only thing I wonder about is whether he meant that you where in a mess because of the pickle? I forgot to ask him about that part.

Personally I’m not much for pickles whether you are talking sweet ones or them dill ones. They can be kind of crunchy, but I don’t know they will just never replace other good stuff to me as something cool to eat.

However I don’t want to not respect any of you folks out there that love them, even if they might end up causing you to be in some kind of mess. Hey if you are okay with that idea then it is okay by me.

As for me, well I guess the main thing is that I get into enough messes without any help. So I figure there is no reason to risk even more problems with some pickles that I might end up with as making another mess. I’ll think I’ll pass on that part.

Still if that is somehow your idea of a good time then enjoy. Just do me a favor and try to make a mess with a pickle somewhere other than where I am. Because I know from past experience if it happens around where I am I end up getting blamed for it even if it wasn’t my fault.

I guess that is another reason I think I’ll avoid those pickles. I got enough things to worry about beside having food get me in trouble that I don’t even like.

Here’s hoping you avoid being in a pickle come what may. And if by chance you don’t avoid the mess, then please fess up to it and clean it up instead of making somebody else do it.


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