Wednesday, September 14, 2005


What kind of crazy people think this is a good thing to do? I mean shoot frogs are hardly giants so what is the challenge here?

But apparently somebody thinks this is cool. I have to wonder where you find all these frogs to leap in the first place? It ain’t like they hang out anywhere that I know of that is easy to find.

Of course I should mention that how I even heard of this was from these two guys where I work at STINK. I didn’t catch the whole conversation, but from what I gathered they use to like doing this as kids.

They hurried off before I had a chance to ask them to explain though. I got to admit that something keeps them awful busy. That’s because every time I see them and go up to talk to them they always seem to need to hurry off to wherever.

Anyway I assume that leaping frogs was considered cool where they lived as kids. I do kind of question if it is a good idea since if you didn’t managed to leap over the frog you could risk getting warts on your butt. And I’ll pass on that option.

I think my big concern here is that somebody might be fooling little kids into doing this for some strange reason. Maybe they want to get little kids all wore out trying to chase frogs to get them to leap over them.

I can’t say for sure, but I would think people would have a better way to spend their time than thinking up that kind of crap. But then that is how I view it.

And who knows maybe there is some kind of silly tradition that this belongs with. Like say jumping and stuff. After all leaping is a kind of jumping. So perhaps what happens is people start out by someone teaching them as kids to have fun playing at this leaping thing. Then later the same kids get so use to leap that they start jumping other stuff.

When it comes to jumping let me tell you people sure do a lot of that. There is jumping to conclusions and jumping for joy. So perhaps all of that jumping started because these same people when they were kids were used to playing at this leap frog thing.

Well that’s just a thought of course. I just hope whatever person is running around and claiming leaping is a good thing stops and thinks about it a little bit once and a while. Or maybe they can even give it a try themselves and figure out it ain’t as good a idea as they first thought.

Unless they are the type that are into selling frogs. Yeah I bet that has something to do with it. And if you end up coming across some dude who says he’s got a big bargain on frogs I’d give it a second thought. No sense getting all excited about something that really don’t seem all that important and you can get by without doing. So let somebody else mess with the frogs. That way you’ll have more time to spend doing important stuff like looking for that pot of gold they claim is at the end of a rainbow.


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