Sunday, September 18, 2005


As unlikely as these two things seem to go together they really do in my book. It might be hard to see that connection for some, but it is no problem for me.

As I see it both nuts and paperclips are things you use for special occasions. Nuts are good as a snack and at parties. But that is normally when I mainly think of them. Like wise paper clips are only something I want to use when I need to keep a group of papers together.

The big problem with both of them is that I normally forget where I put them when I need them. Nuts are generally something that we put in the cupboard, which Otis calls a pantry. But you know sometimes we are in a hurry and stuffed them in a drawer or if it is some open can then we might put almost anywhere. Remembering where can be real tough. And then if it has been too long since we last used them, man sometimes it is almost easier to go out and buy a new can than remember where we put the last one.

With paper clips it can even be worse for us. I mean we just don’t use them that much. So we don’t have a big supply to start with. Finding one can be hard because you never are sure their will be one in some drawer.

Actually I don’t mind looking through the drawers though from time to time. That’s because half the time we end up finding stuff we thought we lost. It is sort of like having Christmas at a different time when we find something really cool.

What I was giving a little thought too was what if you made paper clips out of nuts? That way they would serve two purposes. Wouldn’t that make more sense.

Plus if you were in the mood for a snack and didn’t have on you could just reach for one of those paper clips and munch away. I wonder how come nobody ever thought of it before? Seems like a great idea to me.

Well as usual it looks like it is up to me to make this idea work. So I think I’ll go out and get some nuts and see if there is a way to turn them into paper clips. Hmmm, maybe if I slice them real then and warm them up enough they could be made to bend?

That’s a start I suppose. But if that doesn’t work I’ll try to think of a different choice. After all I bet this could be a real plus for a lot of people. Just think of all those folks who work at their desks and get the munchies while working. I bet most have paper clips somewhere. Now when they were hungry they wouldn’t have to wait till lunch to eat.

I guess the big problem might be how would you classify a nut that has been turned into a paper clip? Would it still be a nut or an office supply?

I reckon once I get this idea perfected I can check with the people who figure such things out. We can sit around eat a few and clip something while talking about it. I’ll let you know how that works out.


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