Saturday, September 24, 2005


Alright what gives with the idea of words that start with “re?” I mean the both deal with used stuff right? A rerun of a movie means it ain’t new. And a recycled can means it is empty and once had something good in it.

The closest thing I can figure is that you can normally count on the re somehow implying it is about something that is being used a second time. Sort of like when you re-do something.

And as with reruns it ain’t necessarily a bad thing. I mean I like them. You can pretty much be guaranteed that if you liked it the first time you will the second and that way you also know what to expect.

Now with recycling you get some cash for taking in some old can and letting the crush it up and then melt it down and make a new can out of it. I do worry at times if when it gets made into a can again does that mean it will be cured of somebody else’s germs? There are some folks out there I know I sure don’t want to catch whatever they have. It does make me wonder you know at times when we shop for pop or whatever comes in a can.

I wish there was a way though to get paid for reruns like you do for recycling cans. I just guess that while it would be cool I’m not sure who would pay you for the rerun. I suppose if you have in on DVD you can take it down to some place and sell it. But I sure hope they don’t try crushing it because it sure isn’t going to be as good to watch if it is all smashed.

Well I suppose sooner or later somebody will figure that part out. And who knows maybe they will even come up with a way to do something cool with other things too.

When you think about it doesn’t the word “retired” start with “re” also? So I guess in a way that means starting over. Only you are a lot older and nobody is going to pay you as much to be retired as when you were working. Plus I don’t think you can do much to recycle retired folks either can you?

However it might be worth giving it some thought. Like heck I bet that when your retired you could be a little more flexible with stuff like being an organ donor. After all you got two kidneys and if you recycle one to let somebody use it then you might make a buck or two in the process. Not too shabby if you don’t mind not having that second kidney.

Not that I was the one who came up with that one. It was actually some idea I over heard Mayor Rash Limburger mention one time. In fact I think I remember him talking on the phone to some organ donor clinic to see if they could hang up a rest home sign for a while. There we go again with the “re” part.

In any case I think I’ll let the Mayor give that some thought and work on it. As for me, well I’ll just stick with seeing if there is a way to get some bucks for reruns. Hmmm, I wonder if a DVD can be made to fit into a aluminum pop can? Just a thought.


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