Thursday, September 22, 2005


Do you like flowers? I can take them or leave them. I mean they are pretty and all. But you can’t eat them. Well not as a rule. And outside of looking good and smelling good what else can you do with them?

I guess if you wanted to you could throw them at somebody if they were in a pot. You know as a form of weapon. Only those pots can be heavy so unless you are Superman you’ll probably not get to throw it very far.

So at least from my view a flower simply has a limited function. And I’m not against having them around and making a place looking nice. It is just I have to ask what else besides that can you do with them?

Now like I said that is my opinion. And so far I haven’t found anyone that has been able to tell me what else you can do with them.

But despite that fact there are still people out there who seem to totally love flowers. To the point they have these things called flower shows where they put their on display for you to go and look at them like you can’t do that already.

And then they have some kind of contest to decide, which is the best looking flower of a given type of flower. All I want to know is does it really matter? I mean is winning that prize going to save the world or get your picture in the paper? I hardly call it the kind of championship that you can impress most people with. It isn’t like you can run around as if you were a boxing champ and stick out your chest to show people what a cool winner you are. At least not to me.

In any case what really amazes me with all of this is that these folks are just content to enjoy their flowers or have some place to show them off. They got to complicate the whole thing by insisting on giving these flowers a special name. I’m not talking about a nickname, but some long weird sounding name. One that I couldn’t even remember if I had forever.

I personally think they do this to show off. It is like they have their own secret language and want to make you feel stupid for not knowing the secret name. And let me tell you that sucks in my opinion.

Ain’t it enough for me to know I is a rose without complicating stuff with one hard to pronounce name? Besides it is like that writer dude William Shake-a-spear said, “A rose by any other game will still stink.” Or something like that.

The point is to me, no matter how fancy a name you decide to give a rose it is still a rose. And you still can doing anything fun with it beside look at it and smell it. Which gets boring to me after about thirty seconds.

As for those people who like giving these flower special names. Well I got a few names for you. Only I don’t use that kind of language in a posting!


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