Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Now let me tell you folks I really think it is so great when somebody helps out some poor person with a handicap and has a tough time getting a job. I really think those individuals got enough problems so they need all the help they can get.

Which is why I’m so darn angry at this one store. I went by there the other day and saw a big sign that said they were having a blind sale.

What kind of sick and cruel rat tries to make an extra buck selling a blind person? I just couldn’t believe it when I saw that sign.

And you can bet that I didn’t let them get away trying to do that without letting them know how terrible I thought it was. I just marched right into that store and pounded my fist on the counter and demand to see the manager.

Boy did I let him have it too when he came up to the counter. I told him what I thought of his trying to make money that way. Let me tell you too he sure was surprised to have me confront him on that. He just looked at me with his mouth wide open and in complete shock like I was speaking a foreign language or something.

Well when I got through yelling at him I was feeling so excited that it occurred to me that anyone who would dare to try and buy a blind person for some sick reason was just as bad if not worse. So when this customer came in and asked to see the blinds (meaning to me they wanted more than one blind person, which to me is extra sick) I sure let them have it too.

I want to tell you after chewing them folks out I went over and ripped down that sign and then tore it to shreds. Then I warned them that if I ever saw them try that again I would come back and really let them have it big time.

After that I left feeling pretty darn happy that I did a good deed. It really made me feel extra great.

Well I guess I left there just in time though. Because I heard on the news how some they police had to come out there since some crazy dude had gone into the store and nearly trashed the place and even destroy some of their advertising.

I’m sure glad I didn’t run into person. He sounded really crazy. Although he must have had some sanity since in their description they said he did wear a beanie like I do.

It is too bad there are some weirdoes out there that give beanie wearing such a bad name by doing stupid and crazy things such as acting like a nut at some store. At least I know they will not forget me though. And that was worth it all too me even if I think I’ll pass on going back to a store where you have to worry bout nuts showing up. Although when you are talking about people who tried to get away with selling blind people I can’t help thinking in a way they sort of had it coming.


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