Sunday, October 02, 2005


I have to get up early on most mornings as part of my job as garbage man and also even as a grimefighter. I didn’t say I always enjoy it, but at least the nice thing is when I’m done I still have plenty of time to do other stuff.

The one thing that sort of gets to me at times though is when my buddy Otis puts off doing something by saying we can take care of it “in the morning.” Which would be okay if we actually did it in the morning, but a lot of times he just plain forgets. And unfortunately I will too till later and when I bring it up he’ll say don’t worry we’ll take care of it “in the morning.” And you guess it, we don’t.

I’m not saying my buddy does this in all cases to avoid doing some stuff like getting gas or a chore that neither of us likes doing. I’m just saying that it becomes too easy at times for him to use the morning thing as an excuse.

Course I know he’s not alone in doing that. It happens a lot over at STINK. We will finish some really nasty assignment with some griminal chase and then come back to report in. I’ll want to finish the little junk related to that assignment right then, but Dr. Hemoglobin will tell us to do it “in the morning.” So perhaps my buddy picked up that happen from our boss.

In any case I don’t get the impression that griminals take that approach. Shoot they never seem to have decent hours. I wonder if they get paid over time for committing grimes and not putting them off till in the morning? I doubt I will get a chance to find out and I’m not sure I want to.

All I know I that when it comes to STINK and my job there are going to be times and junk that will just end up being put off till in the morning. And I will admit that when I’m sitting there wolfing down oatmeal/raisin cookies and a couple of cups of hot chocolate the problem may not always look as bad as it did the night before. So perhaps in a way that has something to do with why Otis likes to put the stuff off.

I do have admit though that how I feel about it in the morning does sort of depend upon breakfast. With pancakes, cookies, donuts and such, it never looks as bad. But if I get something like cold cereal, eggs and toast or other kinds of stuff that just okay for breakfast then the problem never looks that great.

Gee perhaps I could work up some kind of “in the morning” cookbook that might be of interest to others? Yeah I’m sure there have to be plenty of people out there with this in the morning problem.

I’ll have to work a little on the coming up with the right recipes though. Maybe I’ll get creative even and figure the kinds of stuff I know will really make one smile. Like being sure whatever it is always has plenty of jelly beans. Of course with eggs you need to use mainly red ones to match the huge amounts of ketchup needed to smother the eggs. That’s one of those little cooking hints I’ll be sure to include. I bet that will make in the morning better for a lot of people. Hope so at least.


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