Friday, October 07, 2005


I got in a big discussion over this thing at STINK the other day. They guys were arguing over, which was better, to use a credit card and get something right now or put it on lay away and wait till you could really pay for it to buy it.

Gee I don’t know, but for me when I want something I want it now. Giving some money to a store to hold it till later just makes me feel cheated in a way. So I guess that puts me in the group who prefer using a credit card for some stuff.

Now let me say I’m not one of those that things you should buy everything with a credit card. Which is a good thing since I don’t actually have one.

But if I did I know I would sure rather have some junk right away since waiting ain’t that cool in my book. I can’t even say if I will ever honestly get a credit card either.

It all depends on if I can find some credit card place that understands how getting paid mostly in jelly beans is okay. And I don’t even mind sharing part of them if that is what they need to pay for what I get on credit.

However so far I just haven’t had a lot of success when I tried to apply for one of those cards. In fact the last time I tried the fella taking my application got really wacky when I tried to explain what I did for a living and how I got paid.

Oh he was okay when I mentioned about being a garbage man. But when I got to the part about being a grimefighter for STINK he sort of start getting insulting and didn’t seem to believe me, which really sort of pissed me off.

So for the moment, while I would prefer to buy now and pay later, but. Meaning tell I get some credit card company to act other than like a butt there won’t be much of a chance to participate in the debate over at STINK.

However I haven’t given up on this credit thing either. I just know that there has to be somebody out there with a credit card company that will give a dude like me a break. After all they can’t all be jerks can they?

And I don’t care what Otis says about them being leeches with their interest charges. I mean shoot if they want to charge me for being interested in their credit card I guess I won’t mind.

I’m not sure why it bugs him when they charge him for being interested. It ain’t like they are asking him to pay them lots of extra money for using the card. That would be rather cruel if you ask me. And really dumb to have them charge you for when you buy something and want to pay for it later.

But as I said if they want to charge me something for being interested I reckon I could handle that. As long as it ain’t too much. You know maybe like one bag of jelly beans ought to be enough I suppose. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to find out eventually too.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Winners may never quit. Yet they sure ought to know when their shift ends!"


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