Saturday, October 08, 2005


Man I am sure trying to learn not to do this as much. When I do it is normally because somebody like my buddy has asked me a question and I just don’t care about the answer that much. So whatever means do whatever you want and don’t bug me about it.

Let me tell you one thing though. I’m learning that is a big mistake. Because I’ve found out that when you tell a person that they treat it as meaning they can do whatever they want in a given situation.

Now some people’s idea of whatever is okay. They actually think in terms of what is cool or reasonable. With other people though, watch out! Their idea of whatever can be downright scary.

With my buddy Otis it is sort of a crap shoot. In some situations with him, he gets in some weird mood and his whatever ends up being the type of crap that makes me say “oh shoot” since it always going to be something that gives me a headache.

The only defense with my buddy is I have tried to learn on what subjects to never say whatever. Right now I know not to say whatever when he’s asking about take out food. If I do he’ll get inspired and that means he’ll try someplace new. Hey, new isn’t necessarily bad, but I’m not in the mood ever to try some stupid food I can’t pronounce and looks ugly. But I know whatever with take out will generally end that way.

Another area with him is with snacks. Oh heck basically almost anything to do with food I guess. If I’m busy and Otis goes to the grocery store without me I do not ever want to tell him whatever in terms of snacks. Otherwise he’ll come on with vegetables as part of the snacks. He won’t eat them, but he thinks buying them is somehow going to be a good health wise. And then he’ll try to figure a way to make me eat them like putting them in a peanut butter sandwich.

Anyway I guess you get the idea I’m got plenty of reason to not use whatever in those areas with my buddy. And over at STINK I got to watch it too. If there is one thing you never want to do is tell Dr. Hemoglobin whatever when it comes to assignments. That can end up a darn nightmare. I won’t bore you with the sordid details, but let me tell you after a whatever assignment you pretty much have to stand downwind from everyone for about a week tell the smell wears off.

Well I hope you have better luck with whatever and knowing when not to do it than those types of situations. And oh yeah, a little hint, if you ever run into old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin make sure under no circumstance to ever use the word whatever no matter the situation.

Because the one thing you don’t want to do is give a guy who thinks the world revolves around cheese and the yuckier the better any opportunity to do what he wants with that opening. And I would tell you more, but I don’t use that kind of language on or off the internet.


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