Sunday, October 09, 2005


Yeah that’s what I like to know sometimes. Only I do forget to ask occasionally. I know I should think to ask, but sometimes my mind is stuck in some stupid gear and it just don’t work right.

Unfortunately this seems to happen more at STINK and when my buddy Otis and I are being given an assignment than any other times. Actually my buddy is normally the best at asking this question, only sometimes I get the memo about our assignment when he’s busy or something. And I’ll just plain forget to ask.

Part of it is Otis’ fault. Because when I do get the memo and not him he forgets have the time to ask me what is the purpose for this assignment. If he did then I would know to take time to ask. But when he fails to ask then it seems like we both end up suffering.

And in the end, let me tell you the one thing I really hate and feel like kicking myself over is having neither of us ask this question. Boy the grief we experienced in the process, well it is downright aggravating.

Now don’t get me wrong. I really enjoy working for STINK. Stopping grime, beating up the bad guys and generally fighting for the spirit of clean are all cool things and I love it. I just can’t stand when all of that cool stuff gets sidetracked by some darn stupidity.

By stupidity I mean the shear essence of having people decide to have us do something without really having a good reason. It is like they got to have some reason for us being out there in the field so when they don’t have one they make something up.

Which is why asking the purpose sure does make a difference between doing something worthwhile and ending up having somebody witness you acting weird and thinking you are the prize ass of the century! And that I can assure you is anything, but cool!

But I doubt things will ever change much as STINK. Not as long as Junior is left in charge of crap. That darn rat boy gets so stuffed with cheese at times that I swear it shuts off his brain.

The only problem is that when we get a memo it always has Dr. Hemoglobin’s name on it. And when that happens we got no way of knowing if it is really from him and most likely to make sense and be a good reason for an assignment or if it came from Junior.

When we forget to check, generally what happens is when we are on assignment we find out, normally too late that it is a big stupid mistake. Normally because Junior ends up sending us someplace where there are no griminals and if we go in with our brooms and bat swinging thinking it is a bad place we end up looking like idiots. I tell you there ain;’t nothing more embarrassing than breaking into some old folks home you were told was a griminal hideout and accidentally scaring some poor old person. They don’t generally have much of a sense of humor about it either. At least we can move fast enough to avoid keeping clobbered by their wheel chairs and if we are really lucky before the security guard or cops catch us.


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