Saturday, October 22, 2005


Over at STINK we never use the “F” word. Dr. Hemoglobin thinks it carries what he calls a bad “connotation.” Personally since getting rid of help hardly ever happens, I think he says that in order to create the impression it could happen even if it never does.

Does that mean nobody ever does anything to deserve to be treated with the “F” word at STINK? Not hardly. Shoot I don’t want to complain about my fellow grimefighters, but we really got some winners if you know what I mean.

It is just well, as a rule when somebody is really, really lousy at being a grimefighter Dr. Hemoglobin tries to encourage the person to leave by choice. Normally he makes the person work with somebody who is so annoying and a generally a pain in the butt to be with that the person just quits to keep their sanity.

Course I can only talk about that from just listening to some of the comments people make over at STINK when the person finally quit. Since I’ve been partners with Otis for years they never ask us to take on an extra helper.

But I guess from what I gather though just to give the person an example of what having a partner should be like they normally tell the person he’s a lot like me, Smog Boy. (In case you don’t know, that’s my Super Hero grimefighter’s name.)

And I guess just being told the person reminds them of me in terms of being good makes that person feel like they can’t be as good as I am because I heard one grimefighter talk about how he would rather eat ground glass than be compare to me. It sure is hard to be so dang special, but I manage.

Anyway like I said the “F” word sort of never gets mention, but we all know when some body quits after being told they are like me or something it is about the same as being fired. So we understand what that means.

What is cool is when they hire somebody. Boy old Dr. Hemoglobin shows them around and then brags how they were born to be a grimefighter. Only since he tells everyone that even the ones that he later wants to quit it sort of loses the meaning if you ask me.

Meanwhile I do my best to not let the fact that they use me to compare the rest of the grimefighters with as a big deal. I’m just happy to be a model if that is what you want ot call it. I’ve heard a few of them use other terms including saying don’t let this happen to you when training some new guy and talking about me. Guess they don’t want to make anyone else end up with the burden of hero worship.

Oh well that’s how it goes over at STINK and that is okay by me. I love doing what I can to encourage all the new guys. I just wish the ones I would talk to on their first day would stick around long enough so I could find out how much help I was to them.


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