Saturday, October 29, 2005


You know this is one of those things that can be so darn frustrating. You decide to go visit somebody and fight the traffic and all the hassles just to get to their place and then when you get there they aren’t home!

And I don’t want anybody wise guy saying you could have checked first! I already thought of that. But sometimes you can’t reach them because they got an answer machine or you talked to them first and they said they wouldn’t be home till a given time. However when you show up when they say they will be home they still aren’t there.

The thing is while this might be no big deal to some folks, to me it still is. Mainly that is because I always like to plan these things out. I set up the time to be there and then plan a whole day around the event. That includes time for errands and chores.

Otis considers that part the most important. It is that he doesn’t care about visiting folks. He just knows when we are going to get to borrow the diaper service van and so tries to get everything we need done in the time we got it available.

Which is why visiting for us is a big deal. With my buddy Otis you can be darn sure that if something don’t figure into his “schedule” in that regard then we are going to be in big trouble. Sometimes I sort of wonder too how he manages to figure in the amount of time we are going to spend visiting with someone. Doesn’t seem like a conversation can be figured out that way, but he manages.

He does it in a pretty cool way too. Otis will sit there and just casually glance at his wristwatch and then without looking more worried, he manage to change the subject and before I know it we are saying good bye and on the road.

Anyway, like I said the one thing that sort of messes up the whole routine is when somebody isn’t home when we go to visit. Especially when they were told we were coming. It is almost like they intentionally didn’t want to see us. But I don’t think that is the case though. At least they never admit to it later when we do finally see them. It is always some emergency that came up at the last minute. Personally I never knew that one person’s cat could have that many emergencies, but I guess some cats getting sicker more often than others. I didn’t know though they had that much trouble with their claws. But according to the one person we went to see he had to take his cat to the vet for a claw emergency. He never did actually explain what it was, but all I know is he never was home plenty of times after we would call.

Now one other thing that bugs me on this is when the stupid guys at STINK say that I never stay home. Why I heard them talking the other day when they didn’t know I was listening. One of them mentioned about how when it came to understanding things that with me nobody was home. Man was that guy sure full of it. Heck if I know somebody is going to visit, I’m always sure that I stay home.

But then I’m not sure how that has much to do with understanding stuff. Guess it takes all kinds huh?


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