Thursday, November 03, 2005


Have you noticed how this is always on a sign and it is hung on some big huge fence or locked building? Now is that kind of weird or what?

I don’t know about you, but too me it doesn’t take a genius to figure out some fence or lock doesn’t exactly say “welcome.” It just seems kinds of pointless or frankly downright insulting to a person’s thinking to have to tell me, keep out that way.

It is sort of like those darn warnings they put after the words no trespassing about how you could be in big trouble if you trespass. Now I ask you who would expect somebody who puts up a no trespassing sign to not want to get your butt in trouble if you ignored his sign?

The way I see it this no trespassing sign business is sort of like trying to keep a secret. That’s because it doesn’t take a lot of thinking to understand how nobody goes to the trouble of putting up a fence and sign unless they got a real good reason for wanting you to stay out. Like perhaps they got something extra valuable inside and are afraid if you come inside you’ll find out about it.

So by putting up that sign you are too me just basically shouting, “hey I got a cool secret in here and I don’t plan on sharing!” That’s the way I figure it works.

Of course I realize that might not be the way some folks might look at it. They might have some other reason for wanting to keep folks for visiting. Can’t quite imagine what it would be though. Guess since you can’t go inside and ask the person there is no way to find out for sure.

But did try once with this place that had those no trespassing signs. It was this plant that is owned by Mr. Mammongrabber in our city. Man they got all these signs all over the place, but some that say “danger.”

It was the danger signs that really got me curious. And I figured you never know I bet they got something extra cool inside and the danger signs are just another way of trying to keep anybody from finding out.

Well I got to admit that my curiosity got the best of me and I managed to sneak inside that building one time. Boy was it a disappointment though.

I didn’t find one cool thing in there. I did find them making a bunch of smelly liquid. It was in some interesting bright colors too.

Still I didn’t see much that was dangerous. So I never went back either. And I guess it was a good thing I didn’t. It took a couple of weeks for me to stop glowing in the dark after I spilled some of that liquid on my body when I was looking around.

At least that is one place I don’t have to worry about visiting again. One less thing to think about. However that don’t mean I’ve given up on all those no trespassing signs, just the ones on any places owned by Mr. Mammongrabber.


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