Tuesday, November 15, 2005


This question probably has more than one answer. I guess it depends upon who is asking the question huh?

Now being that I work with garbage and think about fighting filth and grime a lot for me the low part has to do with a sewer. That is about as low as you can get where I live. Oh perhaps you might go over to the dump. However it would be a toss up to me if that was all that much lower than the sewer.

What I guess I got a little confused about on this matter was hearing these two guys talking and they mentioned the low part. Only it sure didn’t seem to have to do with sewers or the dump. It seemed to have more with keeping promises. Or that is making promises and not keeping them.

I know for myself that the one thing I would never do is make a promise if it had anything to do with the sewer. Because that is one place I prefer not to visit when I don’t have to. So for me the low as I want to go is probably some street.

Unless I’m in the candy store. There the low is the low bin where they keep the jelly beans. Now that is one low I really don’t mind going for.

Anyway those two dudes were rambling on about some promise the one guy said he made and didn’t plan on keeping. It was to some girl I guess. And had to so with a ring and something called nuptials. Not sure what all that was, but it apparently is something to do with a bed since the fella mentioned how he needed to promise those things before he and that girl to use a bed.

Boy I got no idea what kind of bed he had that needed some ring. Perhaps it came with a phone. Maybe that nuptial thing was some new kind of phone.

I don’t know for sure, but I reckon the bed must have been real low to the ground because the other dude mention that having the bed for that girl without really having those things, but claiming you did was really low.

Well a while later I guess the girl showed up that the first guy was talking about. And then the guy went off to the bathroom and the other fella left. So I got kind of curious and went up and asked the lady about this bed thing like the guy mentioned and it being low and all.

Gee you know she sure got red faced when I asked her. I assumed she got sick for some reason. And then she just stood there and couldn’t even talk. So I figured I best leave her to feel better.

Which I reckon she did feel better when the guy came back because she decided to show him how good she was at boxing. And then she left while the guy was resting unconscious on the ground. Guess that is a different kind of low. I’ve known that kind when I slipped and fell and frankly don’t recommend it. Just thought I would pass that on.


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