Saturday, November 12, 2005


I get kind of hung up on the funniest types of phrases I guess. And this is one of those situations. I mean if your are “nobody’s” fool then I guess that means that nobody knows you are a fool. Now if everybody is the opposite of nobody then that means to me that you are everybody’s fool.

And being nobody’s fool would be cool if it meant that nobody knew you were a fool. But if it means everyone things you are a fool then that ain’t cool.

Or perhaps it means that if you are nobody’s fool you are everybody’s smart dude. Now that would be a good deal to me I guess.

The only problem that bugs me is that the times I’ve heard somebody talk about being nobody’s fool they honestly didn’t seem that smart. I guess their idea of nobody wasn’t quite the same as mine.

I suppose that is okay if you are comfortable with just presuming that everyone thinks your are some kind of genius when in fact you aren’t. That might be fine as long as you don’t ask anyone.

So before I start ending up confusing anyone here let me just get to what I think is the most important part. Basically be careful if you are going to brag about not being stupid if anyone you know is likely to disagree. That ought to be a good place to start.

I heard this saying once about how it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a dummy than to open you mouth and let them find out you are really a dummy. It sounds like pretty good advice to me.

Of course one way to avoid that is to only say junk that other people say first. Like quoting some genius. That way nobody will think you are stupid if you don’t claim it was your idea.

One word of suggestion though, don’t make the mistake of picking the wrong person to quote if you think they are smart, but nobody else agrees. I sort of learn that the hard way. For the longest time I used to enjoy quoting this one guy I knew who sure seem to understand life so darn good. Shoot some of the stuff he said was so smart I didn’t have a clue what he meant. And I figured that meant he was some kind of genius.

However later I found out the times he was saying junk that sounded smart, but really wasn’t. Well shoot can I help it that I didn’t have a way of knowing those funny little blue pills he took weren’t really a form of medication.

And I found out he didn’t get them from a pharmacy either. At least from what my buddy Otis said they apparently didn’t come from any drug store. He bought them from some dealer guy I guess. Must have been a car salesman I suppose.

Anyway I won’t get to hear from him for a while since he is a guest of the state for a while. And unless he behaves himself enough to get what Otis says is time off for good behavior I guess I won’t see him for a long time.


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