Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I don’t care if somebody wants to belly ache that asking this isn’t good English. When my butt in on the line and somebody wants ME to do something to risk it I’m going to expect to know why for? And believe me they better have a good answer and not give me some lame dribble about not asking the question right.

That really bugs me when you meet those English experts who want to always correct what you say, but never actually hear a darn word you actually say. They just pick up on some grammar glitch and then their ears go deaf.

It is like they want to impress you with how smart they are, but they don’t have enough brains to try and hear all that you say. They want to worry about some crummy word and not about the thought you were expressing. Those times are such a pain in the butt to work with or talk to.

Okay I admit that I’m hardly perfect at always use the right words. And I may get a little weird in understanding junk, but darn it all, at least I try to look at junk and figure it out. I don’t spend the whole time just notice that somebody forgot to cross a I or dot a T, er maybe it’s the other way around. Whatever, you get the idea.

It’s like over at STINK. We got this dude that used to teach English. Well at least he claimed he used to teach it. Until he sort of went a little wacky one time. He didn’t really explain that very well, but I gather it had something to do with kids not understanding when he was trying to explain this poem by some dead guy or something.

Well I ask you if you were talking about something like Paradise Lost wouldn’t you want to know how somebody lost it? That seemed kind of important to me too. But I guess who ever this Milton was that lost this Paradise went on and on and never explained where he actually lost it. I mean if you can remember where you put it how come you need to run off at the mouth about it being lost?

From what I gathered there were a couple of students in his class that were trying to ask that type of question and all he did was get pissed. And I guess after that he sort of had a nervous breakdown or something and started chewing on chalk and well, apparently it was decided he would do better taking up a different career.

But that might be good news for the students. However it wasn’t for me. I can hardly talk to the guy that he doesn’t stop me and say what I say was not correct.

And I guess he has done the same thing to a few of the other grimefighters. Our solution is we generally try these days to be sure we only see him in the lunch room. Then we make sure that we give him enough food to keep him busy eating so he can’t make any comments.

Once again food is the perfect solution to some problems. And it will continue to be as long as we got more food that this guy can eat at lunch time!


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