Monday, November 14, 2005


Okay I’m not personally much for exercise so I seldom would plan on jumping for any reason. But if I did have a reason to want to jump I suppose jumping for joy would be as good as the next reason.

Now for me though I don’t need to do any jumping to feel full of joy. I can do it sitting down with a big smile. And frankly since jelly beans are what makes me have the most joy it would be kind of hard to have joy eating them while hopping around.

I was trying to figure out what exactly would be all that great about jumping in order to have joy. And I guess I couldn’t really think of a whole lot you would want to do where you would need to jump in order to have joy.

But then that is me. I know over at STINK where I work man, there is this one girl that I’ve mentioned before named Truly Grimey. Outside of being the worlds’ worst cook she is also probably the most happiest and sappiest person I know. That girl can get excited about just nearly anything. She is so happy that it practically makes me sick at my stomach from all that sugary junk.

Not that I’m complaining about being happy. Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy being happy too. It is just I like it to be a little genuine and sane and let me tell you just acting goofy don’t cut it.

And you see Truly is one of these jump around for joy types. Which is why I ain’t too crazy about it. See I know that if I have to be that full of joy that I act like I got ants in my pants or something I would rather pass.

It sure seems to work for Truly though. And that’s okay I guess. Heck STINK needs its cheerleaders too I suppose.

I just would rather smile and suck on a few jelly beans to show my joy. And I guess that is because I prefer real sugar to the emotional kind. That might feel good, but it sure don’t do a thing for my tummy.

Anyway right now I’m not planning on joining the jumping for joy set. Truly is trying to get a bunch of us guys to start acting that way. She keeps harping on having a good spirit of enthusiasm.

Heck I figure I got plenty of enthusiasm. I just don’t need to act weird to show it. But then I guess if jumping up and down is the only way you can show you joy then that is okay too.

Meanwhile, I’m going to reserve my jumping for jumping to conclusions. At least I don’t sweat when I do that kind of jumping. Otis might if I talk about it too much. He worries about what others like our boss thinks when you jump to the wrong conclusions too often. But I don’t personally mind. Heck that to me is a joy in itself when it ends up in him giving me jelly beans not to talk.


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