Sunday, November 20, 2005


Do you enjoy having to always ask for directions? I don’t. Call it being stupid I guess or having too much pride, but I just figure if you got a map that ought to be enough. Why embarrass yourself by letting somebody know you are lost?

Course I guess it does help if the map is actually to the place where you are going. That is a little detail that my buddy Otis pointed out once when we were going to some address and I was ready the map. And I was sort of too embarrassed to admit to him that I picked up the wrong map when we left home. But he figured it out after I told him to turn left enough times and we ended up just going in a circle.

The big clue to him that I had the wrong map was when I told him the place we were going was next door to the record store. That’s when he grabbed the map out of my hands and shook his head. Hey, is it my fault that I honestly didn’t pay more attention to the fact that I had a map to the mall instead of city streets? It was an accident you know. I just kept hoping that if I faked it long enough by telling him to keep turning left we would luck out and get there.

But it didn’t work out that way unfortunately. And so Otis had to stop and call the place for directions. Which he didn’t enjoy doing because he’s not too crazy about asking for directions any more than I am.

Well the thing was Otis didn’t bother to ask about parking when we got to the place. So he’s not necessarily more perfect and asking about details either.

When we got there is turned out the only parking we could find was this parking lot where they charge you to park. And I just knew from the look in his face that Otis wasn’t about to ask anybody at the place where to park. So he paid the parking people and we went inside the store.

The nice thing, well nice to me is that once we were inside we overhead these two ladies talking about the free parking behind the place. I did look at Otis, but you can better believe I didn’t bother to say a word. And he sure didn’t make any effort to say anything too me either.

Well we left the place after taking care of the junk we needed to take care of. And afterwards didn’t spend any time talking about parking, directions or maps.

The good that came out of all of this I suppose is that now Otis has gotten us a really good map book for all the streets in our city. And he even made sure it looks enough different than the map to the mall so I don’t pick it up by mistake again.

He’s still working out the issue of knowing how to get free parking wherever we go. And doing it without asking anyone. I think his current plan is to call the place and ask some other question before checking on parking so it doesn’t sound like he’s stupid about parking or anything. Funny the things you got to do as a Super Hero to keep from looking stupid. I just wish I noticed when some of those other Super Hero types did the same? Maybe they just have better maps.


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