Wednesday, November 23, 2005


To me when I put my underwear in my dresser drawer after washing it that is the last I think about it. I mean I don’t feel it needs much other thought.

At least I used to think that way. But I’m not so sure any longer. I’m sure grateful sometimes that I got a radio and can get to listen to some really interesting programs from time to time late at night. Sometimes I sort of nod off and kind of miss a little bit of some talk show, but I do get to hear enough to figure out what they are talking about.

Now the other day they had this guy on it talking about how some people have lot of skeletons in their closets they don’t want anybody to know about. Well I don’t personally know anybody that has anybody with a real skeleton in his closet. So I guess that he just knows a lot of people I haven’t met yet.

And I can definitely say that I don’t myself own a single skeleton. Well since we live in an apartment I don’t own closet either I guess. So even if I did figure a place to buy a skeleton I wouldn’t have a closet that I owned to put it in.

Anyway all that skeleton and closet stuff got me to thinking. If people hide something like skeletons in their closet then perhaps they hide other stuff in other places. So who knows perhaps underneath their underwear they hide something they don’t want anybody to know about.

Gosh it does sort of concern me that people might be hiding weird junk with their underwear then later put on the underwear. Of course I suppose in a way you know it has to be something really disgusting otherwise they might not be hiding it in the first place because if it was good they would end up wanting to show it off.

That is unless of course it is something really valuable and they just figure hiding it under their underwear keeps it safe so nobody would have a reason to check for it. Man some people can sure be sneaky huh? And the dudes are smart too. Here they are keeping super important stuff in some underwear drawer and able to keep it a secret the whole time.

Well I’m not sure whether I really want to know the details I guess. Because it would be my luck that the person would be some nut and if I asked he would end up showing me something really dumb and stupid. Yeah that would probably happen to me.

I know one thing though. After having thought this through I think from now on when I see other people I’ll be thinking to myself what other than underwear is hiding in their dresser?

Of course I’ll know better than to ask. I’m not going to risk them telling me or perhaps showing me. I guess there are just some things in this world we are better off just wondering about. (And in case your curiosity gets the best of you and you decide to sneak into somebody’s bedroom and look in that drawer, just be sure you don’t tell them it was my idea if you get caught!)


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