Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Man oh man did this idea sure come to me big time this week. You know my buddy Otis is sure one for wanting to always do things different. Well too many times with food he gets weird and wants us to eat healthy. Which always ends up being boring and yucky from my point of view.

However every once and a while he’ll get these moments of what I regard as inspiration. That’s when he wants to create something actually tasty. These are the truly great times for me because he’ll sit down and use that brain of his in for me what is a good way.

In this case what happen was he got on this kick about pie. Oh not like cream pies mind you or one’s filled with fruit. The fruit kinds are okay when you smother them in ice cream, but otherwise I can take them or leave them. Actually I like the cream ones smother in ice cream too, but my buddy generally sort of fusses when I do that. Hey, I don’t see what the big deal is about using the formula of a gallon of ice cream for each slice of pie, but he still squawks some times.

Anyway this week he decide he was going to try and make up some pies filled with good tasting stuff other that fruit or cream. These weren’t my first idea of pies because they weren’t sweet. But what the heck I guess doing something different ain’t always a bad thing.

And the best part was that this time Otis was going to let me help him. A lot of times when he gets in these experiment moods he wants to “surprise” me so he has me sit in the living room while he whips up the stuff. Which given the times he makes weird junk that I don’t like to eat makes the waiting part other than fun.

In this case though he didn’t seem to mind. His big brainstorm was he was going to put a bunch of stuff that fries up good together and then put it in a pie crust and put a pie crust top on it. Then he would bake it up and we would have baked fried goodies.

Now that sounded cool at the time. We were in the kitchen and he was frying up some hamburgers and also some potatoes too. Shoot he even threw in some onions. Man I got to admit it sure smelled good.

As for me he just had me mainly doing stuff like you know chopping up the onions and then slicing up the fries. So for a while everything seemed cool.

Then when it was all fried up he said he decided we ought add some canned mushrooms and olives. And that didn’t sound so bad.

The thing is Otis was getting all sweaty from frying up junk that he wanted to go and take a shower. So when it was done frying he mixed it in the piecrust. Then he told me to add the olives and mushrooms and put the pie crust topping on an shove it in the oven for about thirty minutes.

And that is what I did. Boy let me tell you I was sure looking to trying that greasy mess. My old mouth was watering just at the thought. That was until there was that explosion. You know when Otis said to add the mushrooms and olives he never said a word about taking them out of the can first. Yeah, that mess was sure a pain to clean up, but for me not getting any good pie left me crying. For now I got a feeling my buddy is sort of not going to do any more inspiration cooking. At least tell we get the hole in the oven fixed and maybe the one in the wall too.


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