Monday, November 28, 2005


Is there a problem with this that I don’t get? I’m asking only because it sure bugs me when somebody starts out by saying that it makes me wonder, are they really to tell me the truth? And if so then does that mean the rest of the time they are fibbing? A person has a right to know that part I think.

Speaking of telling the truth I guess I’ll also be honest here for a minute myself. I’m kind of in a hurry to write this particular posting. I need to try and get it finished in a hurry. I made the mistake earlier and drank a whole bunch of pop. So now my bladder is trying for a big case of payback. And so it is a question of whether I can get this done before I have to rush to the bathroom.

Now normally I would stop with it being no big deal. But right after I get done here my buddy Otis has some chores for me to finish and I got no idea when I’ll get back to the computer. The big problem is that I might get so busy that I would forget what all I want to say. So in order not to end up missing out on sharing something truly cool or important I’m going to keep writing and hope I finish before I end up leaving a puddle on the floor.

Anyway now that you understand how much I’m sort of rushed I hope you’ll understand why I might end up saying in a way that sounds a little strange or confusing. Hey, no far any of you wise guys out there who gripe I always say that barking in. As far as I’m concern you got other problems that you need to deal with.

Meantime folks here I am back on this subject of telling the truth. And I reckon there is only one thing we all understand. Basically that you ought to tell the truth whenever you can. Is that a tough concept to understand for some people?

Okay I realize I’ve mentioned the times when my buddy Otis sort of takes the truth and kind of bends it when talking to our boss. And I imagine he ought not to do that so much. But you know I can’t help being supportive of my buddy. That’s because our boss can be so darn cranky at times if you tell him the real truth.

Frankly while I don’t really mind seeing him with those veins bulging on his forehead or his face turning different shades of red, my buddy just claims that isn’t always a good thing. So he makes up the facts at times to keep our boss from having the need to look that way.

Plus I guess it helps that when he does that we also don’t end up in getting in trouble with the boss either. Which is sort of a bummer for a super hero when you end up getting stuck with some crummy task just because you made a mistake.

Well I think I’m going to make it here. It was close, but by golly my bladder did apparently behave itself. At least this time. However I know tomorrow it could be different. Ain’t if funny how there are something you can truly depend on in life like having to take a pee even when you don’t want to. And that is one thing you don’t even have to guess to know I’m telling the truth I bet!


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