Saturday, December 03, 2005


Ever have something or someone you wish were lost or if it or they did get lost you would celebrate? I know that when you talk about people wishing something like having them get lost isn’t very nice. But then fair is fair, some people aren’t very nice are they?

Now while I’m on this lost thing I wanted to mention one thing that really bugs me. It is like when my buddy Otis and I are out looking for some place. And sometimes we have trouble finding it. Well Otis will say something like “we’re lost.”

I don’t mean to be unkind when talking about my buddy, but frankly I think that is silly. Because we ain’t lost. Now I ask you could you ever be somewhere and not know how to find yourself? How likely is that to honestly happen.

What he really means is that the place we are trying to find is lost. Or more like we just don’t plain know how to get there. Because a store is a building and don’t have a brain so you know it can think or move so it can’t really be lost either.

Well now that I’ve gotten that all straightened out in case you were confused on it, let me get back to the lost and not found part. And like I said I got to be truthful and admit that with certain people like old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin, I sure wouldn’t be upset if he ended up getting lost. I can tell you right now that he would remain not found if any of my buddies at STINK were put in charge of trying to find him.

Unfortunately it never seems to work out so the jerks you would love to see get lost are the ones that end up that way. It always seems to end up somebody you either don’t care about or don’t mind hanging with.

That is except for this one place in the mall. It is this store where lots of women shop that sells stuff like jewelry. And every once and a while when Otis and I are in the mall and we go by the place my buddy will be sociable and say hello.

Only those ladies that he meets sure seem to enjoy talking about somebody they call “ U clown” getting lost. That’s because whenever my buddy tries to talk to them they always say “get lost U clown.” I guess this guy must hang out at the mall a lot to have all those ladies wish he would get lost. But so far we haven’t run into him.

However if all those ladies are telling my buddy that then perhaps whoever this U clown is has already gotten lost. Still I’m not sure how come it is okay for them to wish this clown guy would get lost and I can’t tell Junior that. Guess that is one of those questions I’ll not get an answer to any time soon.

In the meantime I’m going to work on this lost and not found deal a little. I think I’ll start and visit the place I saw in the mall called Lost and Found. I want to find out from them how come they need a booth to put up some sign bragging about how they lose things and then find them. I mean how tough could it be to find something you lose in some dinky little booth? Maybe I’ll ask the guy in the information booth. That is if he doesn’t decide to take a lunch break when he sees me coming like he does other times.


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