Sunday, December 11, 2005


There was this queen or princess or whatever one time whose name was Marie something that apparently got famous for saying “let them eat cake.” I guess she own a bakery or just loved cake, but from what I heard it didn’t work out too good for her since she sort of went crazy. At least that is what I assume they mean when they say she lost her head.

Now I don’t know, but I kind of feel that whoever came up with this story must have had something against cake. So they probably wanted it to seem as if you could go crazy if you ate enough of it.

And I want to tell you that it isn’t true. I’ve had plenty of cake in my day and I’m sure you can tell from my writing the way it has affected my brain.

But fair is fair I suppose you do need to balance out your eating to some degree. My understanding of that part is that you know it means you should eat foods that weigh about the same. That way you stomach won’t get lopsided I guess when you fill it up.

Anyway I gave it some thought and you know cake isn’t necessarily all that heavy. And in order to avoid the risk of losing your head (even though I still have my doubts about that part) then I guess you need to eat something heavy enough to offset any problems you might get from cake.

The one problem with some foods is that you have to keep them refrigerated or they might spoil. So I didn’t figure that using any foods like that would be a good idea. Which leaves foods you can just leave out if you want.

What kind of causes a problem to me in that regard is that most of the stuff I could think of was some kind of bread, which didn’t seem any real different than cake if it was in a form like a donut. Then there were canned foods, but I had trouble figuring if the can had to be counted as part of the weight so I ruled them out.

So after giving it enough thought I came to the decision that to respect this balance thing in terms of cake that perhaps some cool and yummy beef sausage would work. Plus it comes in those nice long tubes so they are easy to carry if you have to worry about balancing carrying a cake and also a sausage. You just can’t do that with some other foods.

It does make me wonder if that Marie lady had said something like “let them eat cake and sausage” if she might not have avoided ending up going crazy and losing her head. But then perhaps she didn’t have any room in her bakery for both cake and sausage.

Oh well since she lived a long time ago like at least twenty years I suppose it won’t do any good for her to try it at this point. But if we can learn from it and do better then that makes it all worthwhile I figure. Now I think I’ll go out and see if I can balance a cake and sausage myself to be sure I ain’t misleading anybody.


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