Wednesday, December 07, 2005


My buddy Otis says this from time to time. How he is all over whatever. Only it is a little hard at times to believe he is really all over what he says he’s all over.

Like the time he said he was all over with eating Spam. I don’t know, but something got him miffed about how eating canned meat was bad for you. In any case he decide that this stuff he loved so much was suddenly not cool.

It was okay with me you know. I mean at least he didn’t try to get me to give up jelly beans. I’m definitely not all over them and I sure don’t plan to be anytime soon.

But for my buddy he sure felt good saying he was all over Spam. I just wish being all over it meant he stopped talking about it. And let me tell you one thing when it comes to being all over something you can be sure that don’t include talking about whatever it is.

That is one thing I have pretty much accepted. There is no way my buddy will ever claim to be all over it will be talking. Which is a good thing because you sure can’t be all over taking and talk about it. Even I know that won’t work.

Anyway with my buddy Otis I ended up listening to him give me all kinds of speeches about how he had decided Spam wasn’t good for you any longer. Only thing I notice was that he didn’t get rid of any of the cases of Spam he had in the closet. Those stayed put.

What he told me was that keeping it was proof of his having self-control. It was a test. all I know was that he sure spent a lot of time going to the closet and checking on the cases of Spam that he said he was all over.

But the good thing was I guess that eventually he did quit talking about being all over Spam. And I could tell when that was going to happen too.

It was about the time he stopped talking about how Spam was bad for him. Instead he started mentioning how Spam wasn’t as bad for you as some other stuff.

And I could tell that it wouldn’t be long before he would end up gobbling down Spam again. Only I didn’t mention it to him naturally.

Sure enough though I came home one day from running this errand and the moment I opened the front door I saw that empty can of Spam on the floor and knew he had caved in. When I finally found in at the kitchen table there he was just having a great old time wolfing down all kinds of Spam.

Course I never attempted to say, “I told you so.” Besides with Otis so busy stuffing his face I doubt he would have even heard me.

About the only good thing I could say on that is at least in terms of talking abut being over something Otis didn’t say another word. Only I know sooner or later he’ll be all over something again. Then the joy will start all over.


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