Thursday, December 15, 2005


Now unless you get all excited and start grumbling I ain’t going to get all mushy here. I’m not talking about kind of love that they use on Valentine’s Day. I’m speaking of something more practical. Like a love of something you can enjoy by yourself whether anybody is around or not.

Course for those who get their jollies with that kind of mushy love stuff that’s okay. But the big deal to me is that you need to have somebody else to enjoy it. And the one problem I’ve seen with it is that too many times it seems to be the kind of thing that makes a person nuts.

We had these couple of guys over at STINK who when they got themselves girlfriends man it seemed like they never shut up about it. Every time I saw them they were wanted show off their pictures they took of the two of them together. That’s okay once and a while, but after a zillion of the same type of photos of the same two people it sure got to be a yawner.

And when they weren’t talking about what they did like going somewhere they were talking about what they were going to do next. It was like they were no longer a person without this other person.

Well that is why I wanted to devote this posting to more sane kinds of love. Like for movies. There see I bet you thought I was going to say jelly beans huh? Fooled you!

Nope the one thing about having a love for movies is you ain’t got to worry. They will always be there. And you don’t have to keep buying them stuff or calling them on the phone.

Plus the are sure a great way to pass the time while you are in a mood to snack on a few jelly beans. Hey fair is fair, I didn’t mention jelly beans first, but I do got a right to add them in if I want to.

Now I ask you plain and simple. Which really makes more sense? That mushy kind of love that drives you nuts and you got to have somebody else to enjoy or the kind you can plain have fun with?

Okay no fair ganging up on me on this either. Those guys over at STINK tried that when I told them this too.

But guess what? Something went wrong I guess and the one guy ended up with his girl friend no longer being his girl friend. So to try and cheer him up and I invited him over to enjoy watching a movie or two.

Ah yes, it was sure amazing how a few jelly beans and a couple of great movies and he was smiling again. Course I never said I told you so. Guess I am sort of glad I did since he has a new girl friend these days. I reckon some people never learn.


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