Saturday, December 17, 2005


Yeah there are too many of them in this world. And the pits are that you can’t just slap mustard on them after shoving them into a bun and gobble them down. Well I suppose you could try, but I think you sort of get into a whole lot of trouble if you decide to do this with this kind of weenie. The last I heard the government kind of frowns on people eating people even if the are a weenie. Speaking for myself that is a good thing since the idea sort of freaks me out anyway.

Now to me what qualifies as a weenie in terms of a person is somebody who acts down right annoying. Real weenies types of people seem to know how to act in a way that does nothing, but piss you off.

I suppose when you get down to it they probably have lots of other names besides being a weenie. However I reckon the word weenie really does capture them just great. That is because it means their full of something other than necessarily good stuff. Only they don’t necessarily want to admit it to others. Which is another quality of a good weenie, er well I guess maybe it is a rotten weenie, um that is one that is good in terms of being really lousy. Ah I reckon you get the idea.

Well I bet you all know as well as I do how to cope with all the stupid weenies in the world. And at least the most important thing in some ways is trying not to be one yourself. I know I try.

Which is tough at times being a grimefighter since I imagine that a griminal would presume somebody trying to keep them from committing a grime is a weenie. That sort of points out that there are good weenies and bad weenies. So there are times when you just have to risk being thought of as a weenie if you know it means you will be a good weenie so you can try and keep the dude being a bad weenie from acting that way.

I hope you got all of that. Because if there is one thing I don’t want to risk it is confusing anybody on this subject. I sure wouldn’t want to risk having somebody out there end up acting like the wrong kind of weenie and saying it was my fault.

So just remember the important part about being a good or bad weenie. A good weenie does “good” and a bad one well, you get the idea.

Or another way I suppose to look at it is if the person really stinks in terms of how they treat others then that is a bad weenie. Which I think anybody ought to be able to figure out.

In the meantime I got to get off to work over at STINK. We are in the midst of a special weenie cookout. Er that is a barbecue where us good weenies get to eat burgers.

The only down side is that old rat boy Junior Hemoglobin will be there and believe me even though he works for STINK there ain’t any amount of mustard that will ever turn him into other than the kind of weenie that turns your stomach.


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