Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Yep I want the real thing, none of this substitute or artificial motor crude. I was listening to somebody talking the other day about some new kind of car with what he called a “High Bread” engine.

Now I ask you what kind of person with a sick sense of humor is trying to get somebody to believe you can run a car on bread? Is that stupid or what?

It is really amazing ain’t it the junk some people think that can get a person to buy as true. Like I’m going to accept if you opened up the hood on a car and saw an oven instead of an engine you would really expect to go that far?

Plus does that mean every time you needed to fill up you had to go to some bakery or grocery store and say, “Gimmie a tank full of bread please.” Heck you know how long the lines are to buy food at a store at times, who wants to mess with that when you need to put fuel in your car?

What would be cool I guess is if you could end up having like toast instead of gas fumes come out of the exhaust. I say cool for the benefit of those who don’t like smog, but since my real name is Smog Boy, well I should say it is my grimefighter name, I am one who happens to love pollution. That’s because I got to use it to breath. I won’t bore you with the details other than to say that as far as I’m concerned I’m perfectly happy with having the smog stuff coming out of my vehicle or whatever I happened to be riding in.

As for the rest of you all I can say is that if you want to waste your money on some putt-putt that somebody claims runs on bread that is up to you. I haven’t quite figure out the high part completely. Maybe they are referring to loaves of bread that are on the top shelf. I always hate when they put it up that high.

But then it does sort of make sense you know. I mean the bread up there probably don’t get bought as fast so it might risk getting moldy faster. So if you are going to waste it by stuffing it in a car’s gas tank then it probably doesn’t matter if it gets yucky in some way.

Meanwhile I’m sure not going to tell anyone that this is a good idea. It might be for some people, but I feel a special need to not tell anymore whoppers about junk than I already get suckered into telling.

Besides if I am going to make up stuff I’m sure not going to pick out something that is darn impossible to believe. Heck even I know that there is no point of trying to get anyone to buy something that can’t be true.

All I got to do is get that dude who was talking about high bread cars to appreciate he better wise up and knock off telling big fat lies till he figures out ones that might even have a chance of being true. At least you can count on me being smart enough to avoid that. I hope so because I sure don’t want to get a reputation for not caring about the truth.


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